Tag Archives: trip


Last weekend we got a little wild and decided to abandon the seventy-four projects we have on our plate to take a day off in the woods.  Sometimes I need a full day of phoneless bliss.  Usually the day after I started pulling my hair out trying to keep up with twitter, pinterest, facebook, instagram, bloglovin, klout, hometalk, and whatever else I am behind the times on.  Sometimes you just need a break.

Six years ago, one of my closest relatives retired.  She sold everything and bought an RV.  Now she spends her days traveling the US just her and her GPS.  A real-life American gypsy, and my role model.  Since she hasn’t rolled into our neck of the woods in a few months we hopped on the opportunity to roast a couple marshmallows with her.  And play gin rummy with her.  And bingo.  And an outdoor movie.  It was quite the eventful day.  Retired RV life is totally for me. OUR WEEKEND CAMPING TRIP ALL OF OUR CAMPING ACTIVITIES AND A FUN CAMPING GAME Hope you don’t mind the grain.

Do you like camping?
Have a sore loser boyfriend like me?
Did you spot the fluffy dog?

Written by Christina and Tim

A mini-vacay recap....

Posted by Christina // 8 Replies

For our long weekend, we decided to take a mini-vacay with the family.

It started off great, got a little bumpy, and ended with a bang. where our mini vacay to KC began Ok seriously, if you walk into a hotel and it is swarming with tweens for any sort of event…just turn around and run.  Run right out the fancy foyer and sleep in your car.  You can thank me later with cookies.

We were lucky enough to be surrounded by middle school softball players for a tournament.  At first, I was all googly-eyed.  I always dreamed of playing on a team (any team) that got to travel and compete.  They were so cute with their braids and braces, I was smitten dreaming of the day Tim and I are hauling all the kids around trying to become parents of superstars.

Then came the screaming, and the dance parties (that I wasn’t invited to), the running of the halls, and the incessant giggling.  I was about to break a pitchers arm, and then it happened.  While drifting off into sweet, sweet slumber.  Flashing lights, blaring sirens.  A late night wake up call.  Furious is an understatement.

Don’t get me wrong, at fourteen I would have thought this was hilarious too.  In my late twenties, watching babies crying in terror and grandmas hustling down the steps…it loses the humor.  Can’t we just watch Chris Farley re-runs instead girls?  I’ll pop the popcorn, you can braid my hair.

I bet those little boogers called up Mother Nature too. a series of bad events on our KC trip then came a KC miracle the end of our kc road trip I know that we could have done without the late night fire alarm and the downpour, but I think this trip will go down in the books as fantastic.

I’m sure when we are eighty we will still be laughing about that silly fire drill.

Have you been on any fun trips lately?
Ever pulled the fire alarm as a prank?
Have any travel disaster stories?

Written by Christina and Tim

I am back from Vegas….and I am broke.  And sick.

Two weeks before we left my dad came down with a nasty cold, you know the one….gross cough-headache-achy all over-feverish chills-all around disgustingness.  For two weeks I evaded it.  I bobbed and weaved even when my mom came down with it and Timbo added a sore throat to the mix.  I felt victorious.

Then I went to Vegas, and that cold laughed right in my face .
Struck down in my prime.

I toughed it out, and although I couldn’t manage any all-nighters I did keep up with the Vegas Veterans.  You know the ones…..sparkly hats-empty pack of cigarettes-fanny packs-totally reasonable shoes.

While there I did some very legitimate research, here is what’s up:

Of the many dealers, bartenders, taxi drivers, servers, street performers, and cops I “formally interviewed” only one was a born-and-raised Vegas kid.  So what are all these Vegas natives doing?  Do they avoid the tourists and become teachers or do they move to Nebraska on their 18th birthday?  Or is there a whole Vegas underworld I should know about?

No one, I repeat no one said they “hang out” on the strip on their downtime.  I get it.  I don’t like dealing with $9 beers and Stumble McGees either.  But then are we “faking” industry nights?  Am I not talking to the right people?  Is it a gimmick to make me feel like part of the gang….you know a local.  With that many people working on one road, do you all know each other.  Is it like Cheers?  Where is Norm?

Do you think the Chippendales hang out with the Show Girls by the pool?

Taxi drivers can make a real good living off drunk people.  Let’s face it, when you are bombed your best friend is the guy who is getting you to Fat Burger faster…..he totally deserves all your Blackjack winnings.  Or at least a couple of those escort cards that you collect at every corner.

Most people who visit Vegas act in a way that they would normally deem inappropriate back home.  Dresses are shorter, heels are higher, boys walk around with foot-long pink frozen daiquiris….but almost everyday you see a reunion of some sort.  What a small-big town, huh?  So my question is…how do you explain that pair of thigh high stockings to your frat brothers when you get back home?

If you have an accent, can sing, do magic, throw fire, or tell fortunes….become a bartender.  Get rich.

Bartenders would never want to be a Dealer, Taxi drivers couldn’t stand bartending, and Drummers are super cute but none as cute as Timbo.

How many Transformers, Mickey Mouses, and Spongebob characters can you fit in one town?  This place rivals Orlando….this seems like a fantastic “children clause” built into Sin City.  We can definitely bring the kiddos, they will love drunk Elmo.

On an unrelated note, thanks to getting down with the sickness my flight home was a bust.  I always have trouble with my ears.  If you have ever sat next to me on a flight I am sorry for the rapid gum chomping, compulsive water sipping, and yawning on repeat.  My ears are overly sensitive, and that could be a whole post on its own.  for today let’s just say that my ears are still stuck at 38,000 feet.

Completely clogged ears, shooting pains, and a ridiculous equilibrium is all up in my business.  I need help folks.  How can I get them to pop?  I can’t hear a thing.  T wants to take me to the hospital but this is about the third time my ears neglected to let loose.

Do you have any tips for helping with those pesky ears while traveling?
Do you think I could get my hands on an astronauts helmet?  Or Jay Z headphones?

Written by Christina and Tim

We have lived like tourists in our hometown lately.

Visiting places like the Botanical Gardens, History Museum, and the Zoo.

This weekend we had a special celebration. happy birthday My not-so-baby-sister grew up recently.

I took it as my duty to take her out on the town.

One of the do-not-miss spots was St. Louis’ pride and joy. our pride and joy I think St. Louis is known for two things….
a rapper with a band-aid addiction and a King. the king What’s better than beer?  Free beer. a tour The tour is free and lasts about an hour.  It is chock full’o history and oh yea…BEER.

At the end of the tour you get two glasses of the freshest beer you’ll ever taste.
I assume that’s what my sister was there for.
I was there for the pretty buildings. the clock spacer one the little trolley There were about a million different buildings to see and they all served a different purpose, the first building was the large aging room where the beer gets all of its delicious flavor.  Want to hear the craziest part?  Those tanks were stacked six high.  To drink just one of those tanks you would have to drink a beer an hour everyday for over 130 years.  Then you would have quite a beer belly. i could drink that We also got to see where they jump in giant vats and mash all the hops up ala Lucille Ball.  Ok so maybe that doesn’t actually happen….but mashing does. like moonshine Big surprise, this building was huge as well.
If I had to guess I’d say twenty stories. a freaking huge building Then there were of course, more pretty buildings. spacer two One of the last stops was the factory.  It was…take a guess….huge.

This is where the magic happens, they bottle and can and keg all that tasty goodness.  I so wanted to sing the Laverne & Shirley theme song, if only I had a big glove.  Maybe a neck scarf and a cardigan. makin brewskies On the way out I decided I need a green door somewhere in my life.
I can’t imagine why… i want green doors Our trip would not have been complete with out a family photo.
Then this happened. a family of funny faces I wish I could thank that man personally.

Have you had any hometown fun lately?

Written by Christina and Tim