Monthly Archives: June 2013


You know I loved Google Reader…I even wrote a whole post professing my love.  Remember this?

But alas, all good things must come to an end. bye google reader Google Reader is going on permanent leave as of tomorrow.  Sob, sigh, wahhhh.

It’s not so bad, there are other options.  In case you aren’t an avid blog reader, haven’t heard yet, or gasp don’t use a reader yet….

Hello Bloglovin.

Hello Feedly.

You will love them, I promise.  Go on, give it a click.

Now let’s all do a group wave to our beloved.

Follow on Bloglovin

Written by Christina and Tim

Did you know we were smack dab in the middle of a bathroom remodel?  We tore into it on a whim one night, and excitedly tackled the rebuild.  Then we reminded you that we hadn’t given up and now I am here to tell you why.

Tile.  Tile is why our progress has stalled.

At first we couldn’t agree on tile, and then we couldn’t afford it.

Then we decided to focus our attention on the outside of our house while we saved our pennies.  We are still saving by the way, but at least there is a clear winner in the tile department and that gives us a goal to shoot for.  We are now taking donations, kidding of course…but if you know Mr. Trump maybe send him this link.

At least we have learned from our rookie mistake.  Set a budget BEFORE you start a project and don’t start it until you know you got those materials on lock down.

Luckily, T’s dad keeps us motivated when he surprises us by swinging by and Red Guarding our shower. who wants to buy us some bathroom tile Now we really are just waiting on that tile.  Any day now.  I promise.

Have you ever had a project stall out?
Do you have expensive tile taste?
Wanna come tile a bathroom with us?

Written by Christina and Tim

I have a lot of respect for anyone that blogs.  Especially if you blog with any sort of regularity…and those of you posting multiple times a day, well, I tip my sombrero atcha.

If you don’t have a blog, and don’t care about all the little, lovely details that tag along with blogging then watch this video.  Sing along if you like.

If you are a blogger or at the very least like reading about the act of blogging as a verb, read on.

Blogging is a whole other world, one that most people don’t understand.  Brainstorming sessions over bottles of wine, buying supplies, making said supplies look Pinterest worthy, taking a million photos to pretend that your house is not covered in a laundry bomb, and then writing-rewriting-proofreading-spellchecking-publishing-hoping for comments.  We have enough to do just creating content, but then we are supposed to promote and engage too?  Say what?  I barely have time to microwave dinner my friends.

Let alone save my pennies to advertise on other awesome blogs, then join this network and that page.  Sometimes I feel like I just can’t keep up, oh you get it….you feel me?

Well, as a salute to you my fellow blogger I want to give you a gift.  Well, me and a few other fun-loving bloggers.  We want to give you the chance at loads of free advertising, cute stuff, and even some gift cards.  You know, to make your life a little easier so you can go outside and enjoy a lemonade and a cabana boy.  Then send that cabana boy my way and tell him don’t forget the fabric softener.

It’s easy….just enter below.  I’m rooting for you.

17 Bloggers, 19 Prizes and 1 lucky winner.


If you are a homie of Homemade Ocean then you know that the last few Fridays I have alluded to a “big project” that we are working on.  Then on Mondays you read all about how the rain ruined our plans…again.

As much as I would love to grab some white cheddar popcorn, snuggle up to my new fiancé and tune into a SVU marathon…T says we still have work to do.  We have managed to recruit some amazing help (hi dad) for our “big project” and have been able to make a pretty big dent in it, but during the monsoon weather we started some minor projects.  None of them are done, but I couldn’t help giving my homies a sneak peek into the madness. what we are up to Thank goodness for rain-proof garages, big leafy tree covering, and slickers.  Does anyone say slickers anymore?  How about high-wadders, anyone say that?  Keep me hip y’all.  Word.

So can you tell what we are up to?
Do you spot the “big project”?
What have you been up to lately?

‘Scuze me while I ice my blisters.


Written by Christina and Tim

Welcome back, did you have a good weekend?  Our big project got rained out….again.  We did get to squeeze in some smaller projects and I managed to surpass lobster red when I mistook bug spray for sunscreen.  Please don’t touch me, I’m sizzling.  More aloe please.

While we are on the subject of plants that heal.  I challenge you to do some planting of your own.  Yup, permission to be a tree hugger…not that you asked for it. plant a tree Did you know that 3 trees planted strategically around your home could cut energy use by 50%.  Not only are they helping you out, one acre of trees can absorb the same amount of CO2 produced by a car driven over 25,000 miles.  Not to mention they are pretty.

If every family planted a tree today, one billion pounds of CO2 would be reduced ever single year.  There are so many gorgeous trees to choose from, Tim and I are thinking we need a fruit tree or maybe a Bradford Pear.  I have always been a fan of the Dogwoods, you know it being the state tree of Missouri and all.

Have you ever planted a tree?
Have a favorite tree?
Do like breathing oxygen?

Written by Christina and Tim