Category Archives: Real Life


While I was visiting my sister last weekend I decided that I “needed” a new toy.

I rationalized this purchase with the fact that TODAY is Homemade Ocean’s one month anniversary.

We will be celebrating tomorrow….be there or be square sad that you missed it.

I have named my new toy Sven the hot Sweed and recently discussed his nakedness with him.

Me:  Look Sven…I know you are all hot and everything, but you really need to show some modesty.  Cover it up for the kids…because they could get you sticky with their Cheeto fingers.  Mama don’t need all that mess.
Sven:  Ohhkay….vut cahn I vee sooper sexie?
Me:  Who are you trying to impress….I mean c’mon Sven live in my pj’s.
Sven:  I joost veel like veing hawt you veel me.
Me:  Can I be your stylist?
Sven:  Vut ov course.
Me:  Settled.

Okay, so Sven the Sweed may have grown up in France or Russia or some far-away-accent place.  But there was only one thing to do.

Window shop.

These are all of the cases Sven and I are considering.  What…you didn’t realize Sven was a hot Swedish lady?

–  We have to stick to our roots here and throw in a nautical case.  I just adore this sweet tribute to the vintage Sailor style.

–  This is strange, but the snap top case reminds me of my gramma’s cigarette case.  Nostalgia gets me every time.  Plus, Kelly green and Navy blue are basically my favorite.

–  I’m feeling the whole watercolor trend, and I have never gotten over my love of dandelions.  So the blue and green case is like a prettier version of my childhood.

–  Another nautical theme, but this one you can customize with your monogram or name.  A high contender for our Stylish Sven shopping trip.  We also found backgrounds that looked like corals, chevron, ikat, and stripes….basically if you can dream it then you can find it here.

–  A sweet and feminine fabric with an unexpected design.  You had me at feminine, I also love that it’s an old fashioned typewriter image on brand spanking new technology.  Oh the irony.

–  Hello funky lady.  I wish I was bold enough to pull of this bright yellow, big bow number.  A girl can dream.

–  Lace and leather, is there anything hotter?  Didn’t think so.  I would feel like a dainty dollop of awesome carrying that case around.  Is that an oxymoron?  Well I don’t care, that is how I would feel.

–  My little piece of sunshine.  How could you not be happy when you are holding bright orange polkas and fun teal ruffles.  Sven likey.

Sven needs your help…..Which is your favorite?

Written by Christina and Tim

I have been a huge fan of The Farm Chicks for ohhhh many moons now.

So imagine my excitement when Serena – the contributing editor of Country Living Magazine and producer of one of the most celebrated antique shows around – chose me to represent Missouri in her Big Boy Adventure!

Check it out here.

That’s right, I get to show this handsome little fella the very best of Missouri.

By the time he makes it to the midwest he will have already seen twenty of the states, Australia, England, Canada, and France so I will have a lot to live up to.

Where shall I take him?

After I send him off to continue his journey to places like Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany, and all the other states in this great country…his show-me state adventure will be featured on The Farm Chicks blog.  Can we call this my first big break please?

Even if it is not technically “a break” can we all admit how much fun I am going to have with this little man.  Uh-oh….Timbo just got a little jealous!

Written by Christina and Tim

Last weekend…..we stayed in town.  And enjoyed some popular St. Louis tourist destinations.  We want to share with you why the Lou is so great.

You can read about some of it in these posts.

Part One
Part Two

But this post right here is all about poo flinging monkeys…kinda.

Actually it is more about fuzzy butts, because that was the theme of the day.

I’m not kidding….everywhere we went…..we saw tail.


Thank goodness we had some patience….or we wouldn’t have caught this…

Please don’t ask us about the turtle threesome activity.  Seriously, it was mortifying.  All the kiddos kept asking why they were making noises and hurting each other.  I. am. scarred.

Moving on.

This is my favorite….thing.  Dog face, horse neck, zebra legs.  What are you?

What a rough life.

Those wire fences really ruin a great picture….I am bringing wire cutters next time.

Dang everybody be having babies.

But not these two.

Our babies are our fish.

But if I could take one of these home, I sure would call it my baby…

My sister would rather take these home though….Miss ya Leika…I got you one for your dorm-lawn.

And Tim….he wants a hippo.  Or this guy….

That’s not asking too much, right?

I told him if he gets a gorilla, then I get to stuff homeboy below in my purse to go on princess rides.

I’d be the coolest girl on the block.

Just like stripes up there…she was voted “the coolest” on the Red Rock trail by some little three-year old on a leash.

After all this animal watching I was exhausted….and Tim was planning our next adventure.  Hippo Harbor.


This might sounds strange…or maybe not considering this post…but my favorite thing was this leaf that was floating in the hippo tank.

It was so pretty and magical.

 I think maybe you needed to see it floating gracefully to really appreciate it.

But that hippo tank was too small for those beasts!  I have such a love hate relationship with Zoos, I love seeing the animals but I hate that they are captive and look so sad.

Maybe I’ll start a zoo animal support group.

Written by Christina and Tim

We had a hometown weekend last weekend which you read about here.

You saw all the greenery that I swooned over, but I left out the real reason we were there.  You may have figured it out from this Instagram shot.

or possibly this one….

The Missouri Botanical Gardens was hosting the annual Lantern Festival.

It is art by day, and magic by night.

We were supposed to go see the magic, but they were sold out the last two weeks it was open.  And because we are naturally procrastinators, we only got to see the art.  Whoomp, whoomp, whoomp.

But it’s all good in the hood y’all….it was still neat.


The main attraction was a giant dragon made of fine china.  It was amazing.

I love the macho-ness of dragons and the delicate-ness of the teacups.  The whole thing was a beautiful oxymoron.


The detail was impossible to capture, wish we coulda got a night view.

We also took a stroll down zodiac lane.  I learned something new…..T is a dog.


Literally.  Good to know up front I guess.  I think it’s important for him to know I am a feisty tiger too.

That wraps up our Botanical Garden trip…..stay tuned for the real fun.

Fuzzy butts.

Written by Christina and Tim

Fairly certain I am coming down with something.

Not sure if it is allergies, or my first cold of the year, or just exhaustion from our crazy weekend.  But it goes a little something like this….

Constant sneezing, splitting headache, itchy desert eyes, scratchy throat thus husky voice, muscle aching, did I say splitting headache…oh ok good, dry cough, and the ability to fall asleep at my desk in 2.34 nanoseconds type exhaustion.

Let me draw you a picture.

Yea, I understand if you want to run.  I would too.

On the bright side….I have no fever.

That little piece of inspiration can be bought on the cheap right here.

When I get sick, all I want is my mama.  Yes I am a fully grown woman, but my mom is the only one who has the patience for me when I feel like this.  I need my head rubbed not naps people.

When Tim is sick he does a man-detox.  He bundles up in like forty winter blankets, drinks a lot of fluids, and just “sweats it out”.  Hogwash I tell ya.

How can guys and gals be so different?

I should write a book about how we are basically from two different planets, oh wait…that’s so nineties.

I find the best cure for this kind of sickness is a hot bath, and some sort of juice.  I don’t like tea and I am not much for soup, so I am doomed without juice.  I am off to heal myself.

Feel free to send soup…..Tim needs dinner.

Stay healthy my friends.

Written by Christina and Tim