
Dori Dos is eating out of my hand....

Posted by Christina // 8 Replies


Our second little Dori is so talented….or hungry.


 You can see how tiny she really is.  I’m head over heels in love!

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Written by Christina and Tim

8 thoughts on “Dori Dos is eating out of my hand….

  1. Gabby

    can you post a pic of the tank dori dose resides in? I remember you posting that the original dori resided in a desk tank?

    1. Christina Post author

      Of course I can! I will post a picture later this week for ya…but please don’t look at my desk, or the paint color, or the decor. Remodeling the office is next on the to-do list!!!

      She lives in a 12 gallon nano cube similar to this guy

      Thanks for visiting Gabby!!! Good luck in the giveaway 🙂

  2. Pingback: The place Dori Dos calls home…. |

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