Category Archives: Miscallany


I miss yellowcard...

Posted by Christina // 2 Replies

Anyone else miss some of those teen angsty songs you used to jam out in your parent’s basement?  I have been craving some Yellowcard electric violin, and the catchy tunes of Relient K.

Last night I got to drive home listening to a local station’s “Acoustic Sunset” and got to relive some of my crazy nights as a fresh sixteen year old.  Driving all over God’s green earth because it only cost $13 to fill up my tank.  Ahhhh the good ol’ days.

They even played some acoustic Avril Lavigne.  While I would like to pretend that i didn’t know every word, I definitely belted it out for the three minute entirety.  Even gave T the button, whoops.

Isn’t it funny how music can take you back to an exact time or place.  Like you turn on some Something Corporate and I can picture riding shotgun in my best friend’s old truck while we practice our air band moves.  Some of the best times of my life, fo sho.

There are songs that remind me of people. As soon as I hear them I get an immediate impulse to call, text, or send smoke signals just to tell them I am thinking about them. Some songs i just can’t listen to anymore because they take me right back to a very painful place. Is there anything else we quite relate to like music?

Acoustic has always had a place in my heart. This sounds silly but it always makes me feel connected to the artist(s). Like you can hear all of the emotions in their voice. And miracle of all miracles I can decode lyrics to songs like “Breakfast at Tiffany’s“.

So imagine my delight when I googled Yellowcard only to find out that they are releasing an Accoustic version of my favorite cd. Imagine my disgust when they pointed out “Oceans Avenue” was released over ten years ago. Where did that time go, did all of my car dancing force life into warp speed. Did someone at least catch it on tape so that my goldfish memory can relive it.

I am so jealous of the Kardashians. Imagine when they are old bittys and can rewatch all of their glory days. Then hopefully they will realize how insignificant some of their drama was. Where do I sign up to get one of those reality show things?

Ok, I have gotten way off track. All I am asking is what did you rock out to in your glory days?
Were you a Rocker? Alternative? Gangster? Hillbilly? Popstar?
Did you know the real lyrics to Breakfast at Tiffany’s?


Written by Christina and Tim

Christina is sick…real sick. Or so she says.

She was excited to be “on time” with our His & Her favorites this month, but then she decided to spend all night in bed. With a fever. Begging me to learn Photoshop and whip up two moodboards. Right.

I’ve been bedside with Sprite and crackers so maybe she won’t be so upset that her post isn’t up on time.

Hopefully this will make her feel better.


It is slightly inappropriate, but it is fully hilarious. You can buy it in shirt form here.
P.S. that website has way too many funny shirts for way cheap.

Send Christina some well wishes so she has something other than soup to be excited about.

Written by Christina and Tim

We introduced you to Beatrice, our little fairy friend here.  Since then she has made herself quite at home by decorating for the holidays and kicking us into spring cleaning mode.

Lately though, she has been “out of town” an awful lot and I think it may have something to do with our recent renovations. poor bea You see we kind of tore out her secret hideaway to make room for a new shower bench, I know…bad roomates. our new bathroom addition I told her that when she gets back we will have a “move that bus” moment just for her.  Hope we don’t disappoint.

Written by Christina and Tim

Hola, G’day, and Sup Homies.

Tim is in the middle of some major computer rehabbing for me….so instead of sharing a million photos of our weekend I am speaking from the heart today.  Well, more from my fingers since none of it is that serious and you know your heart can’t talk and all.  Details.

–  I am really ready for warmer weather, but I am kind of depressed that St. Louis hasn’t gotten a big snow yet.  I have heard that will be remedied on Thursday, here’s hoping for snowmageddon.  Hold the ice.

–  Lately, I have been all about picking up and moving.  Mainly from reading things like this and this.  Sometimes I think there is no better time in our lives to take a risk like living in Fiji for a year, other times I wonder if Asti could even cut it in the desert of South Africa.  I read an article a while back that asked a bunch of people what their occupation would be if money wasn’t an issue, most people said they would work at a bookstore.  I think I would work at a shoppe in a touristy towne (notice the “e’s” added for quaintness) so that I could talk with people from all over the world.  Holler Antarcticians.

–  I have been following Modern Seinfeld on twitter….if you’re not then you should get on that.  And while you’re there….

–  If I had told my eighteen year old self that I would one day love spinach and red onions, I think she would have thrown a bag of Doritos in my face and told me to get a life.  Still not a green pepper fan though.

–  Tim never ate those nuts…I am throwing them away tonight.

–  I have a horrible memory.  I watch Friends every night at bedtime and still give T the “I am so lost” look when he quotes it.  The other day someone was talking about the mini corn scene from the movie Big – which I have seen a million times – and I still can’t figure out what they were talking about.  Tim on the other hand remembers everything.  Even commercials he saw when he was thirteen.  Why won’t he share that memory.

True Story:  When T and I first started dating we were doing the whole Skype-date-thang and he asked what I was watching.  I gave him a QUICK glance of the true-life crime show that had held my attention long enough for my date to notice and you know what he said?  “Oh that’s the one where he sticks the girl in the suitcase, I saw that a few years ago”.  And you know what….he was right.  That man DID put that girl in the suitcase.  I am still amazed.

–  Our baby shark, Fajita took his first bites yesterday.  I can’t believe how patient Tim has been in getting that little booger to eat.  Now we have a Fajita full of shrimp….please tell me I am not the only one laughing.

–  Is anyone else abnormally excited for the Gold Rush finale.  Please let Parker be the one who is now filthy rich.  I am pulling for ya little buddy.

–  I still have yet to drink a soda in 2013 – with the exception of a splash of Sprite in some adult beverages.  Somehow my body hasn’t gotten the memo, because the pounds are doing everything but falling off.

–  I love to dance, particularly line dancing.  It is one of my favorite things to do and I got a little boot-scoot in this weekend which made me realize how much I miss it.  It also made me realize how much my calves hate line dancing.

–  Tim did indeed fix my computer.  So expect lots of pictures tomorrow. IMG_1342

What has been on your mind lately?

Written by Christina and Tim

When I watched the video below.

If only I could be so brave.

These guys are just insane.  I get an adrenaline rush just watching.
If you want to watch a longer version (it gets unbelievable at about ten minutes….I seriously had to cover my eyes) then just mosey on over here.
Almost makes anything seem possible, doesn’t it?

Written by Christina and Tim