
Ahead of their time....

Posted by Christina // 8 Replies

Lately, while waiting for my melatonin to kick in, I have been watching old Friends re-runs.

Go ahead and sing with me….”I’ll be there for you” clap, clap, clap, clap.

Every night I think…man I love that kitchen.

Image found here.

This kitchen has taken a lot of heat for being “too busy” and “too cluttered” and “not functional at all”.

But the heart wants what the heart wants, and my heart wants teal base cabinets.

Not to mention the cute ceramic Pickles tub that they filled with utensils…..and the pink mixer.  Oh and the would-be-cute-with-different-fabric sink ruffle.

I just love this kitchen, and all the color and chaos.

Isn’t it kind of amazing that this show…and kitchen…were filmed in the nineties.  Especially considering some of the trends of today you can find, like the open shelving.

While looking at photos of the apartment and reading debates on whether they could really afford it or not….I stumbled on this at Bien Living.

Interesting to see the layouts of our Friends homes, eh?

I love that Monica’s messy closet has a question mark on it.  Not sure if they are being funny since it’s a mass of junk, or if they aren’t true Friends fans.

Speaking of true fans….Tim says this post won’t be complete unless I say the following word.  PIVOT.

Holler to my “friends”.

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Written by Christina and Tim

8 thoughts on “Ahead of their time….

  1. Nichole

    Oh wow…you found a Friends apartment floor plan! That’s awesome, I’ve always imagined what those two apartments look like all together.
    Also wanted to let you know…I highlighted you as one of my favorite Small & Good blogs in a recent roundup.
    Keep the smiles coming!

    1. Christina Post author

      I know, isn’t it crazy to actually see the floorplan!

      THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I will be sure to check it out and share the love 🙂 Hope you are having a great day!!!

  2. Pingback: Random Thoughts…take two | Homemade Ocean

  3. Benji

    Omigosh! Stumbling upon this post makes me love you guys even more… I am a HUGE Friends fanatic, and I always have lusted over that apartment, hoping my fist apartment would be as cool. 🙂 (Unfortunately, my fist apartment was actually smaller than the bedroom I had in my parents’ house). And finding that floorplan… amazing.
    Anyways, I just thought I would stick my two cents in and say on behalf of the old “could they afford it” argument, in the episode titled “The One With the Flashback”, when Monica meets Joey she tells him that when her grandmother moved to Florida she gave her the apartment, and admits that she’d never be able to afford it any other way.
    “So if the landlord asks, I’m an eighty year old woman who is afraid of her VCR!”


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