Tag Archives: tunnels


If you missed any stops on our East Coast road trip…you can catch up by clicking on the links below.

The Preview
Gettin Lucky in Kentucky
Virginia is for Lovers
Our Nation’s Capitol
Lawsonville, PA
Jersey Shore minus the Snookie
Vermonty, where I gained ten pounds
We are moving to Maine
Shedd Aquarium

We hope you enjoyed hopping in our virtual car for a little tour of the East-ish.

Some of you commented on our post card montage.  You don’t even know how much fun this was for my boytoy and the doggie.
Here are some outtakes.  

You think those are funny….wait till you see our road trip videos.
We debated on sharing these, because they aren’t very flattering but every time we watch we can’t help but laugh.
Hopefully you all can just laugh at our ridiculousness too.

You wanna know how big of dorks we are, or how we entertained ourselves for 85 hours in the car, or how obsessed with tunnels we are….just watch these.

And Mom – I did not know what the “whistle song” was about, it just kept coming on the radio so we jammed.

Now you get to sneak a peek at just how goofy we are….fun in tunnels.

Okay, now that we have subjected ourselves to public humiliation.  Let’s talk about our treasures.
I am definitely the girl that picks up every cool seashell as a souvenir. I am also the girl that wants to buy a memento everywhere I go. It’s my mom’s fault.  Everywhere we traveled she buys coffee mugs, then every morning she gets to reflect about where she has been.
But I don’t like coffee.
So I settle for magnets & postcards. This trip we decided that when we really loooved a place (enough for three “o’s”) we would buy an ornament.  We are Christmas nuts, so it seemed fitting.


We snuck off with some other treasures too.  Tasty ones like chocolate covered blueberries, sweet jams, smoky bacon cheese, jalapeño chips, and some burger sauce.  Some super rad tee shirts that I am sure you will spot us wearing here and there.  Even doggie treats and toys.  No one left behind.

We got sweet art prints from Maine and we are currently working on getting an awesome piggie painting from a Vermont store.

That’s how I show my love….with Friends references.

We also almost drove off the highway to go scoop up one of these bad boys. We also collected room keys…don’t snitch. Now the question is….what kind of crafty things can I do with all of these treasures?

Oh I just got a gut-wrenching pain…our trip is over.
Time to start planning the next one!

Written by Christina and Tim