
East Coast Road Trip - Chitown

Posted by Christina // 2 Replies

When we originally planned our road trip, we planned on ending in Chicago for the Cardinals – v- Cubs series.
But then I was asked to help with the United Way, so our trip got moved up.

We still wanted to hit up Chitown, even if we couldn’t root for the home team. We didn’t have much time in Illinois, since we still had to drive six hours home. Our main attraction was none other than the Shedd Aquarium.
Where we took over 400 photos.

I decided to dedicated an entire post to all those photos, so you’ll be seeing all the aquarium goodness later this week!
While in Chicago we made a stop at Millenium park to see The Bean (aka Cloud Gate Sculpture). It was yet another attraction that we paid to park, walked to see, and then left.
We enjoyed it while we were there though. It was really neato skeeto….could have stayed and tried to figure out how to take non-blurry photos played for hours.  But alas, we had to drive back to the Lou and go to work the next day.  So we put our grumpy pants in the car and headed on home.

It was a sad, sad day.

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Written by Christina and Tim

2 thoughts on “East Coast Road Trip – Chitown

  1. Katie L

    I love the BEAN!!! If you ever go again, you have to lay down on your back with your feet on the bean and take pictures from the ground!

    1. Christina Post author

      Awwwww dang it….yea, we were having trouble being creative hahaha!!! Nothing was turning out and I think we just wanted to be home haha. I’ll have to remember that for next time!


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