Tag Archives: Friends


A very sweet weekend....

Posted by Christina // 10 Replies

As I mentioned last week, I hosted my first cookie bake this weekend. our first cookie bake

For as long as I can remember my mom has gotten together with a few of her oldest friends -and by oldest I mean they have been in her life for many moons…not that they have wrinkles-and baked cookies.  I always loved this time of year because it meant a delicious sample session of sugary goodness.

I always secretly wondered why I wasn’t invited.  But now I get it…If kids were there then they couldn’t lick the bowls.  You’re totally forgiven mom.

This year I decided to take matters into my own hands and start hoarding sweets, not good for my thighs but I’ll totally take the stairs all week.

Here are a few of our treats… yummmmm We had a blast, just catching up and trying our best not to burn anything.  I really hope we can make it an annual get together.  Not only do you get to spend time with fun girls, you get cookies too!

Have you ever had a cookie bake?

Got a good recipe I need to know?

Written by Christina and Tim

The last leg of our trip we hoofed it up to the beautiful state of Vermont. I gotta tell ya, the drive up to Stowe was incredible. I totally made Tim stop at all the “scenic overlooks” for photos. We went through an awesome town, Lake George.  We will be back. Once we got into Vermont we saw so many sights…gorgeous barns in lovely foliage, the Ben & Jerry’s headquarters, and lots and lots of cheese farms.  Hence, the gaining of ten pounds.   Everything was so beautiful, and quaint.  Slow-paced and friendly.  I’m hooked.

I have always wanted to go to Vermont, and I am so happy that we got to drive.  It was truly breath-taking.
Plus I got to hang out with the coolest girl around. I hate to be all cheesy, but I was so happy to get to spend some time with Sandy.  We met through a mutual friend and I thought her and her manfriend were the coolest.  They were everything I wanted to be….independent, intelligent, well-traveled with so many interests, and HAPPY.  They are the type of people that get you inspired.

Get ready for a novella….feel free to scroll:

They first night there we had the best fresh pizza, drank some drinks, and got all caught up.  Sandy & Jon had just moved to Vermont from Florida and their completely DIY’d house was unreal (send me some pictures so I can show the world how awesome you all are wouldya).  This talk was exactly what I needed.  You see all of my friends are growing up.  They are getting married, having babies, jumping into the real world.  While I am so ecstatic for them, it made me start questioning my life.  Is that the path I was supposed to be on?  All of my friends will have babies, what if I have nothing to talk to them about?

I know I am not ready for all that….I have big dreams of traveling the world and starting my own business….and I am just not ready.  Don’t get me wrong, I want kids.  Just not right now.  It has been a real struggle for months.  Should I settle down?  I have a fantastic man that I know I will be with forever….I guess that’s the next step.  But I just don’t feel like it’s right for us right now.

Then I talked to Sandy….and she said, “Just do it”.  I got lost in her stories of traveling and moving and pursuing you dreams….and I know THAT is what is right for me.

So thanks girl….for reminding me that it’s ok to do my own thing and giving me a refreshing new view.

Back to our trip folks, step off the soapbox lady.

Sandy gave us a rundown of the wonderful town of Stowe.  There was tons of hiking, shopping, and great food.  Here is an interesting tidbit, there are no major chains in Stowe….as in there are only local stores and restaurants.  It was a subtle fact, but it really made the town feel so quaint and hip.

Then we went hiking on Mount Mansfield….amazing.  Here, see for yourself.

Who here knew that the VonTrapp’s were real, live people?
You know…Sound of Music family?  I mean, I assumed it was loosely based.
But they were real, and they fled to Stowe, Vermont and opened a lodge.
It’s still in the family and as gorgeous as you would imagine.

Sandy has a fun little game, just add “Von” to everything…it’s fancy.  Let’s play. The VonGarden. VonSunshine.


VonFestive and VonLovely. VonBummer.


VonWhereDoIGetThese and VonTasty. VonSignage. VonMiracleGrow.

And the list goes on, and on…there were apparently fuzzy cows, but they were hiding.

Good golly…when can we go back.  We just loved Vermont.
If you like charming little towns with amazing people….put this on your travel list.

We were supposed to stay in Vermont for two days but at the last minute we decided to go to Maine.  I would have loved to see what other adventures we would get into, I guess we just have to go back!

Until next time Vermont.

Written by Christina and Tim

I wish my home state rhymed with something cool.

Anywaaaayyyyys….the best part about this trip was that we got to see so many friends.  Most of our friends have abandoned us to move back home, or away for jobs, or possibly to get away from this Missouri humidity.

We miss them, way too much.  So we figured this is a great time to go see them all.

Our first stop was in Kentucky.

One of T’s best friends, Greg, calls Louisville home.  They met while Greg was going to school in St. Louis, and became the three best friends that anyone can have….minus one.

We totally understand why he boot scooted back home…because Louisville is incredible!

There was a beautiful river with lots of gorgeous bridges.

I know boys don’t talk about stuff like this….but Tim was a ball of excitement to see his buddy.  They had not seen each other for years, which I fully intend to make sure that doesn’t happen again.  Hi Greg….can’t wait for the Derby!!!

Apparently, when I was in this state of mind….

I realized that Louisville was the home of the Kentucky Derby.  It must have been all the horse statues, paintings, signs, and memorabilia.  I also decided at that time that we absolutely, positively NEED to go next year.  The boys thought that was just a drinkity pipe dream….but I remembered.

I never forget guys, and I am holding you all to it.
I already have my big, floppy hat picked out!

How did I get to that drinkity state you ask……Fourth Street.

Please don’t notice the bed and pillow reflection…this was taken from our hotel room.

It is a street in downtown Louisville, KY that is like a mall of restaurants, bars, and fun.  Since we were there on a Wednesday it was pretty low-key….which is just our scene.

So we explored, and had some dinner and drinks.

The handsome guy on the left is Timbo, yours truly, then Greg’s twin brother Mitch, and then Greg himself.

Here we are proving how awesome we are….our waiter was impressed to say the least.

No one was prepared when after the customary documentation photo I yelped, “No one move….it’s time for a funny face”.  Well, no one except Greg…is that not the best zombie impression you’ve ever seen?  I’m taking notes Gregory!

Here is a terrible video….where I thought Greg was still sitting in front of me.  Instead, he was sneaking off to pay the dinner bill that we had in our hand…you tricky trickster.  But it does give you a sneak peak of the awesomeness that is Fourth Street action.

Things to ignore:
The awful buzzing sound
Tim ignoring his loving girlfriend
My slightly intoxicated giggle

I really wish we would have had more time there….but we will make up for it come Derby Days.

See you soon Louisville!

Written by Christina and Tim

Ahead of their time....

Posted by Christina // 8 Replies

Lately, while waiting for my melatonin to kick in, I have been watching old Friends re-runs.

Go ahead and sing with me….”I’ll be there for you” clap, clap, clap, clap.

Every night I think…man I love that kitchen.

Image found here.

This kitchen has taken a lot of heat for being “too busy” and “too cluttered” and “not functional at all”.

But the heart wants what the heart wants, and my heart wants teal base cabinets.

Not to mention the cute ceramic Pickles tub that they filled with utensils…..and the pink mixer.  Oh and the would-be-cute-with-different-fabric sink ruffle.

I just love this kitchen, and all the color and chaos.

Isn’t it kind of amazing that this show…and kitchen…were filmed in the nineties.  Especially considering some of the trends of today you can find, like the open shelving.

While looking at photos of the apartment and reading debates on whether they could really afford it or not….I stumbled on this at Bien Living.

Interesting to see the layouts of our Friends homes, eh?

I love that Monica’s messy closet has a question mark on it.  Not sure if they are being funny since it’s a mass of junk, or if they aren’t true Friends fans.

Speaking of true fans….Tim says this post won’t be complete unless I say the following word.  PIVOT.

Holler to my “friends”.

Written by Christina and Tim