Tag Archives: decorating


Oh man, normally I look forward to the weekends.
But this one has me nervous.

It’s my little sisters 21st birthday celebration.
I am not as young as I once was y’all.
Wish me luck.

Before I embark on this adventure that may be the death of me, I want to share some of the best things on the world-wide web. MAKE YOUR FRUIT EVEN SWEETER How sickingly sweet are those stickers?  Tim and I have been eating more fruit and veggies lately thanks to Fruit My Cube and I gotta say…coughTIMcough I would be so thrilled to find a little love note on my grapes.

I think they would be so cute if you have kiddos too.  My mom and dad were always leaving little notes in my lunch, and you know what…I still have them.  Little things people, it’s all about the little things. that looks easy I am so obsessed with this cake from Serena.  It is so perfectly unfussy, and it has such character.  She gives a really good tutorial on how to make a cake just like hers and it is so simple I think even I can do it.  I love that she embraces any mistakes you make while frosting…makes you feel like less of a failure when it just comes out as a pink blob.  Everything I touch turns to goo.

Now get your scrolling finger ready.  I stumbled on the Life in Five Seconds.
Ch-ch-ch-ch-check, check it out.

speed timelines I know, that was a long scroll.  But hilarious right?
I ordered the book and can’t wait to get a full on biography lesson.

What did you find out there this week?

Written by Christina and Tim

Ok so I have never actually finished the books….but Tim’s last name is Gray so I feel like it’s totally appropriate.

There will be no crazy smut scenes on this blog folks.  You’re welcome.

Although there will be lots of desk talk.  Just as exciting, right?

We have been spending a lot of time in the office lately; T is really busy at work when he is not learning HTML for me.  I have been obsessed with finding little nuggets of gold on the galactic universe we call the internet to inspire an office makeover.

Our office needs to be two things….comfortable and functional.  We are in the office chairs way more than we are on our nice fluffy-hug-me-with-pillows couch, so we need a little cushion for the tush that’s for sure.

If Tim had his way, it would have wall-to-wall fish tanks.  Huge flat screens on every wall.  Three, yes three, enormous monitors on his oversized desk.  An endless supply of pens, and snack food.   A built-in bathroom.  A recliner.  A fridge, fully stocked.  Oh and a maid, can’t forget the maid.  And my office would be in another room.

My dream office looks a little more like this…

Moodboard, gray, lighting, office, rug, chair, black, paint, color, DIY, remodel, idea

Our whole house is pretty light and airy; I need some moodiness in my life.  Which is why I went with a princess of darkness kind of feel.  All it needs is some dang handcuffs or a tie or something.

First thing is first….our walls right now are this mucus yellow color.  There isn’t a plethora of rooms that can handle the snot look, you’re really limited to the bathroom.  So we are going to tone it way down with a not too dark gray.  We really want to do one wall with chalk board paint so we have a fun way to jot down schedules, love notes, and play hangman of course.  For all of you worried that “it will be so dark” we have a huge window that lets in more than enough light.  We are thinking Benjamin Moore‘s, Bear Creek.

The rug is a little feisty, and more for Asti to have something soft to play on.  I think the office should be inspiring and needs lots of little fun pops of interest to keep you coming back.  This rug definitely pops.  Plus the whole I-look-like-an-animals-stripes thing throws a natural element into this very gray and sophisticated room.

The chair is perfection…I would love to find a cushy chair like this at a yard sale and completely DIY something to be this chairs little sister.  Dark, high gloss paint….fancy schmancy fabric and it comes out looking like a curvaceous piece of comfort.  Mama likey.

Every single day one thought crosses my mind.  “I need an ottoman.”  This one not only looks good, but I’m fairly certain I wouldn’t have that “oh wow this is digging into my calf” feeling that I get from most ottomans.  Not sure if our office is big enough to hold it, but a girl can dream.

As much as I love Gray…I crave a pop of bold color.  Hello sweet, industrial, bright blue desk.  With the curves of the chair, frames, and mirror…we need something to break all that girlyness up.  You know you want to sit and blog at this desk.  It’s so simple.  I find that if I have a bunch of drawers, they just get stuffed with secret junk.  I would prefer some open shelves above the desk to stay a little more organized.  Next to Tim’s flat screen of course.

The mirror is the bling that will draw your eyes up and away from our funky rug.  Just enough glitz for the room, and a good way to check the bags under your eyes to know if you should call it a night.  She is like our little pageant queen.

Then it all comes down to the details.  You know we need a fish in every room, so voila…fish vase.  Sweet ruffled curtains to lighten up all of the gray.  Chunky black frames full of homemade art.  And a huge candy jar, filled to the brim to keep my man happy!

There you have my dream office….now to get T on board.  Wish me luck!

Written by Christina and Tim