Monthly Archives: February 2013


Tim and I are at a stand still.

We have been working on a frame wall for a couple weeks now, and one of our sweet readers (hi Janelle) sent us some inspiration shots including a happy little print from Urban Outfitters.  I loved the print but I wanted to make it more sentimental by using one of our vacation photos as the backdrop.

Herein lies the problem….we can’t decide between two finalists.

Can you help? please vote We are going to print the winner in a gargantuan frame to showcase the “theme” of our frame wall.  If you haven’t guessed, the theme is adventure.
I can’t wait to get it done and show you more.

Both of those photos hold very special meaning to us, because they were two of our favorite places we have ever been.  Tim’s was taken in Camden, Maine and mine was taken in the mountains of Vermont.

Which would you choose?

I told Tim I would go with his if we could do colorful letters.  Oh I should mention that we are open to suggestions.  Just don’t be mean, if you hate it all then move along….or find me the Urban Outfitters print please and thanks.

Tim or Christina.  Christina or Tim.
Pick a side, any side.

Written by Christina and Tim

If you’ve been following for a little while, you remember our shark escapades.

If you haven’t, let me break it down.  We decided we aren’t ready for kiddos…but we are totally ready to grow a baby shark in our basement.

For the last two weeks now we have told everyone that any day now there will be a baby shark in our lives.  Seriously, any. day. now.

Well, we are still waiting.

I am not saying I know what you mama’s go through when you are eating spicy Mexican and jogging up hills on your due date, but the anticipation is killing me.

please hurry little shark I did a little digging back to the first post I wrote about this particular shark egg.
We have no idea how old our little bundle of joy was when we brought it home, but we know that we have encouraged a hatching for nine weeks now.

Check out how teeny this little bit was…

 Now this not-so-little-runt is wrapped up in his egg and running out of vacancy.
The difference in size is almost startling…I am so glad we have video.
The poor thing can barely move.
What a difference nine weeks can make eh?
Let’s hope that the cramped quarters persuade Junior to make an appearance very soon.  Till then I will just document his every non-movement. any day now Let’s all say a chant….a chant of encouragement.
Come on little sharky…..hatch away.
Any. Day. Now.

Written by Christina and Tim

Holy lazy weekend….
We did a whole lot of nada.

Did anyone conquer the world this weekend?
Please, inspire me. monday matter We all get it….and we all hate it.

Junk Mail.

Most of the time we just toss it when we get it, right?  So why is it that we are willing to bring our own cloth shopping bags and drive electric cars to help save the world but we aren’t willing to actively reduce our paper collection.

I know it’s not just me that has a collection of catalogs and a stack of credit card offers.  Please tell me it is not just me. can you believe it

Can you believe that?  Eight months opening junk mail, when you already toss almost half of it.  What a waste, ain’t nobody got time for dat.

Did you know that if you reduce your junk mail you can save 500 pieces of mail per year, per person.  That is a lot of paper.

But how? do it Today, take an hour out of your day to get yourself off some mailing lists.  The Direct Marketing Associations Mail Preference Service is a great place to start.

Remember that top you ordered two years ago, still getting their catalogs?  Take ten minutes to call and get removed from their mailing list.

If nothing else, at least set up a small recycling bin to throw all that paper in.

Then pat yourself on the back.

Written by Christina and Tim

When I watched the video below.

If only I could be so brave.

These guys are just insane.  I get an adrenaline rush just watching.
If you want to watch a longer version (it gets unbelievable at about ten minutes….I seriously had to cover my eyes) then just mosey on over here.
Almost makes anything seem possible, doesn’t it?

Written by Christina and Tim

We did it.
Huge sigh of relief.
We made it through another week.

Here are some pretty things to kick your weekend off. vapor qualquer Aren’t those prints just precious….I love them all and even more at the Vapor Qualquer Etsy store.  And the girls got deals. designmom Just in time for you to be all romantic, Design Mom is telling you everything you need to know about finding the perfect fragrance for you.

This week is a little scarce, but stay tuned because later today I have an incredible video to share with you.  See I wasn’t just lazy. beautiful mess Can you tell I am in Valentine’s mode?  These adorable pillowcase are the cutest (and easiest) DIY project I have seen lately.

What did you find on the web this week?
Anyone going to see Identity Thief tonight?

Have the best weekend ever friends.

Written by Christina and Tim

Right on the mantel.

I love decorating for holidays, and I change out our mantel decor for every major holiday like it’s my job.

Valentines Day is one of my favorites.

Just in case you are new to these parts, or maybe you just forgot…this is the area of the house where I request photo forgiveness.  You see, the mantel is directly across from our 210 gallon tank.  We are talking glare, blue overcast, and all kinds of glow.  I correct as much as I can but at least you’ll know why it looks like we have a black light in the corner.  Disco time.

one love two loves Tim thinks it look like we had the whole Pepto-Bismol family over for dinner.
I call it festive.

How are you all gearing up for Valentine’s Day?

Written by Christina and Tim