Tag Archives: soak


Happy Monday to you….are you ready to make this week better?

I can help.

So a couple of weeks ago I was talking with my old college roommate and she clued me in on Epsom bath soaks.  The girl is nine months pregnant and not even a pinky finger is swollen.  I felt like her argument had some merit.

Before I dove into the Epsom bath, I did a little research.
Be ready for some shocking facts. this aint no system of a down song here source

So this Monday….instead of saving the world.
I think you should pamper yourself. monday matter3 Go spend the $3 on a bag of Epsom salt and jump right into those healing waters tonight.  Relax and let the magic do it’s thing.

Some of the tips I have read online are:

– Don’t eat before or after
– Your pores will be open so avoid soaps
– Rinse with a cool shower afterwards
-Soak as much of your body as possible
– You may be light-headed, so get up slowly
– Put Ingrid Michaelson on Pandora
– Hotter the water the better

Have you ever soaked in Epsom Salt?  Am I totally behind on this?  I remember soaking sprained ankles, but when did it turn into spa day?

Written by Christina and Tim