Tag Archives: new feature


I want to start off with a big thank you to all of our readers.
Seriously, the fact that so many of you read, like, and comment is sometimes the reason we keep posting.

It is difficult to come up with quality posts every single day while still working a full time job.  It means a lot to Christina and I that you gals and guys care enough to read what we have to say.  You should see the smile on Christina’s face each and every time she receives a new comment.  She lights up like a Christmas Tree.  We really never expected the blog to grow like this and to have so many people join us every single day.  We will continue to try to bring you the best writing we can.  That being said, we couldn’t do it without you…literally.

We often received comments like “please do more posts like this one” or ” I wish you would write about animal crackers.”  Ok, so we have never really had that comment but I feel like it’s coming.  We appreciate all the feedback we receive and use it to improve our blog every single day.

We have a new feature over here at Homemade Ocean.  We figured since it was so popular at that one place they call Facebook that we would try it over here.  You guessed it, it’s a “like” button.   Now if you like something you can literally “like” it.  It’s just that easy.

Side note: I asked Christina to make the graphic for this post…it’s very girly. show us some love  We do really take every suggestion you all throw at us and run with it.  We ask that if you like something, then ‘like it’.  If you have something to say, tell us about it.  If you find an awesome photo or graphic, ‘pin it’.  We will use all of your feedback to make sure we are doing more posts that everyone loves to read instead of wasting your time with goldendoodle shenanigans.

Written by Christina and Tim