Tag Archives: lists


Holy lazy weekend….
We did a whole lot of nada.

Did anyone conquer the world this weekend?
Please, inspire me. monday matter We all get it….and we all hate it.

Junk Mail.

Most of the time we just toss it when we get it, right?  So why is it that we are willing to bring our own cloth shopping bags and drive electric cars to help save the world but we aren’t willing to actively reduce our paper collection.

I know it’s not just me that has a collection of catalogs and a stack of credit card offers.  Please tell me it is not just me. can you believe it

Can you believe that?  Eight months opening junk mail, when you already toss almost half of it.  What a waste, ain’t nobody got time for dat.

Did you know that if you reduce your junk mail you can save 500 pieces of mail per year, per person.  That is a lot of paper.

But how? do it Today, take an hour out of your day to get yourself off some mailing lists.  The Direct Marketing Associations Mail Preference Service is a great place to start.

Remember that top you ordered two years ago, still getting their catalogs?  Take ten minutes to call and get removed from their mailing list.

If nothing else, at least set up a small recycling bin to throw all that paper in.

Then pat yourself on the back.

Written by Christina and Tim

Get your mind our of the gutter.  It’s L-I-S-T.

I am a compulsive list maker.

There I said it.  I have post-its all over my desk, notebooks full of ideas, scrap paper with the grocery list.  Lists are everywhere.  At least once a day, every day, I jot down a list of some form.  Usually it’s more than once.

I would be embarrassed to show you my planner from school because every. single. day. I wrote down what I thought my grades were going to be.  They never changed, but I had to write them down.  I guess it was motivating…or some other weird logical explanation for my illogical tendencies.

At least there are an abundance of cute paper options.  Right now I am oogling these bad boys.

And don’t get me started on Excel.  For our vacation this year we are going on an East Coast road trip.  This list has been written, rewritten, completely scratched and then rewritten again.  I’ll spare you all of the “what to bring” and “music to download” lists.

As a joke a friend got me this.

I’m in deep you guys.  The papers sticking out…..more lists.  It’s a sickness!

So it should come as no surprise that I have a bucket list.  It’s way too lengthy to burden you with, unless you ask then I will totally let you bear that burden.

I also have a leap list.

My big life event will change my life forever…so I need a list so I don’t forget things like “Open a Roth IRA” and then accidentally spend all my money on shoes.

Here is a list of things that I need to do before I can make another human being.

I may not accomplish all of them, I may not accomplish any of them…but it’s all about having goals people.  And I got plenty.

What’s on your Leap List?

Written by Christina and Tim