Tag Archives: disaster


Hey y’all…hope your weekend was fantastic.  We have been unbelievably busy these days with birthdays, crafts, and adventures.  It has been a total blast and I can’t wait to share everything with you.

While life has handed us many blessings and the laughs have been plentiful my mind often wanders to something a little more serious.

Hurricane Katrina was almost eight years ago, can you believe it?  I remember the chaos like it was yesterday.  I remember how unprepared everyone, including the government was.  For a very long time I thought that Katrina was a once in a lifetime event.  Then came Hurricane Sandy.

People were without food and water and crying out for help.  It broke my heart.

I realized that Tim and I are totally unprepared.  And we live on a fault line.  And every year I freak about tornadoes.  And then there was the flood of 1993.

And then I read One Second After. prepping Make a plan, and get prepared.  If nothing else just run by the store today and buy a couple of gallons of water, a first aid kit, some flashlights, blankets, and rice.

Tim and have recently started collecting dry food goods and water, and we have a spot in the basement for emergency supplies.  We have made a plan to buy a gallon of water…which by the way is only eighty cents….every time we go grocery shopping.  With it being so cold outside, we are both putting a candle and blankets in our car.

We obviously hope we never have to use any of it, but having a plan today will help reduce panic if anything were to happen.

Written by Christina and Tim