Tag Archives: crafting


Is it March yet...

Posted by Christina // 20 Replies

I try really hard not to wish my life away…but what is the hold up on March?

March is one of my favorite months.  Tulips start blooming, birds start singing and there is this one little holiday.  My favorite holiday.  Yes I was totally the girl who would pinch everyone for not wearing green.  Sorry for annoying you back in the day friends, but I hope you learned your lesson.

Did you know my last name is Bailey, like the Irish Creme.  That was my tagline in college so people could remember me when they Facebook stalked later.
Oh St. Pattys, I am waiting patiently.

Until then, I will just make lots of pretty green things. Get lucky wreath I want to see green and gold in every corner of my home this time of year.

This was an inexpensive and fairly easy DIY. put a flower on it
The best part is the endless color combinations…I am thinking I need a yarn wreath in every color.  Ohhhh now I am seeing a whole wall of colorful wreaths.

If only I had the patience. the goods I went to Hobby Lobby the other day to catch a sale on yarn and fabric.  I also had a 40% off coupon so the whole project cost under $10.  Have you looked at wreaths online lately?  They are not cheap people.

I will give you advance warning, make sure you have a good movie queued up when you start.  Wrapping the yarn took me about an hour and a half, so thankfully I got all caught up on the Gypsy Sister drama.  Holler.

Can you guess what I used for the white fabric? can you believe it They are some tee shirts that T was about to throw out.  Score!

If you don’t already have a fabric flower tutorial pinned, make sure you check out Katie Bower’s of Bower Power Blog.  It is the best I have seen, and there is a video.  You’ll be a flower making professional in no time.

Are you overly excited to go green?
Will you be drinking green beer?
Any parades in your future?

Did you know Rolla, Missouri has one of the biggest Pats celebrations?

Written by Christina and Tim

One Hot Mama

Posted by Christina // 12 Replies

I had never thrown a baby shower.

In fact I am not sure that I have ever been to a baby shower.  I mean I am sure I have, but I have always blocked that stuff out because I never really cared much for babies.

Until I met Tim, and decided that I wanted to have twenty-seven of them.  That’s just a starting point.

Then each and every one of my friends got pregnant.  Something to do with Fifty Shades movement or something, I’m not really sure.  Now I am planning baby showers left and right.


I have a little practice in the party planning area…I threw her bridal shower and bachelorette party last year.

But the challenge here, besides it being a baby shower, is that she lives in Pennsylvania.  Which means no traveling when she’s about to pop, which means throwing a shower without knowing the gender until a week before the shower.

Mission impossible….accepted.

Without knowing the gender, I had to make the invites neutral.  Have you seen the “gender neutral” invitations lately?  Gag me with a spoon.  This baby was not of the rubber duck variety.  Quickly decided I needed a theme.  I scoured Pinterest for ideas…tea party?  ready to pop?  library themed?  They all left me feeling a little luke warm.

Oh yea….also….I am lazy.  Cleaning the whole house, just to clean when people leave is not my idea of a party.  I am a firm believer of enjoying yourself at parties.  The only logical thing to do was to pick a venue which I did not have to clean.

If you knew the future mama…the one thing you would know for sure is her love of Mexican food.  It’s basically what we bonded over, and the thing she misses most about good ol’ Missouri.  The fine, not-very-clean-but-delishious Mexican food.  It was only appropriate to celebrate her at a Mexican restaurant.

So we had a feista….to celebrate One Hot Mama.

one hot mama, baby shower, invite, sombraro, fiesta, mexican, cinco de mayo

The very first step was the invites.  I found a designer I liked on Etsy and gave her my basic “theme” for the shower.  She took it from there and I couldn’t be more thrilled with how they came out.  Spicy….

I called the most delish place I could think of, Hacienda.  I gotta say that they rocked it out.

It was bright and fun and the food….oh the food.


The food was the hit of the party for sure….I mean besides this girl.

Throwing a One Hot Mama themed baby shower was a hoot.

Lots of “rattle maracas”, “leis”, “baby pinatas”, “new daddy mustaches” and well…fiesta shades.

Now if you actually read the 241 words that started this post you remember that we did indeed find out if it was a girl or a boy about a week before the shower.  So of course I had to throw that little tidbit into all of the details to let everyone know.

Get ready for “detail overload”

When walking in our guests got to sign a little onesie for baby Brooklyn, then they grabbed a homemade pin.  And the games begin.

Yes I actually wrote a poem…..my mom is so proud.

I made the pins for the “Don’t say baby game” by spraypainting clothespins hot pink and the hot glueing cute scrapbooking embellishments. 

They stayed in that awesome formation for about three-point four minutes.

Guests also got to grab a homemade gamecard.  Really labor-intensive stuff, just printed on cardstock.

So that we could play the best game ever.

If only we could have gotten a guest appearance by Bob Barker.

 I packed the prizes into cute little polka dot pink lunch bags and then threw a strip of tissue fringe to fuss them up a little.

I however, did not account for multiple people guessing correctly in Baby Price is Right.  Should have had at least forty more prize bags.

I did have enough baby pinatas though.

 These things were great!  Just got cute candy cups, filled them with candy and girlied them up with ribbon and tissue fringe.  It was super easy and made the most adorable favors.

I also filled a little picture frame with a sonogram picture so that everyone could sneak a peek at the little dumpling.

The most fun I had was making the onesies on my Silhouette Cameo.

If you were unaware….Missouri is the show me state.  And I have to have this little bean representing up in the PA.  Or something like that.

And so the “Show Me Love” Onesie was born.  Get it?  Born?  Ok, overboard.

I also made one with an “L” on it for the babe’s last name.

Needless to say….there was plenty of pink floating around.  Here let me show you….

Miss Brooklyn is going to be such a girly girl.  Thanks to yours truly.

I do believe a good time was had by all.  At least I hope so, and if it wasn’t well it was my very first baby shower y’all.


I do know one thing….baby shower presents are the cutest thing I have ever seen.  I forgot to take a “present picture” but the girl made a haul.

No baby shower is complete without a diaper cake…

Katie loved all the cute outfits, of course.

And I just loved seeing my best friend so happy….

So I am calling my first baby shower a success!

Written by Christina and Tim

pinterest, knobs, necklaces, pallet, DIY, craft, yellow, jewlery, challenge


So I do all of this pinning…and I look at my pins lovingly every day, and then wish I had more time.

But for this…I made time.

After pinning lots of these bad boys…

pinterest, knobs, necklaces, pallet, DIY, craft, yellow, jewlery, challenge   pinterest, knobs, necklaces, pallet, DIY, craft, yellow, jewlery, challenge   pinterest, knobs, necklaces, pallet, DIY, craft, yellow, jewlery, challenge

I decided that I wanted needed to make one right this second.

So I did.

pinterest, knobs, necklaces, pallet, DIY, craft, yellow, jewlery, challenge

I gotta say….everytime I walk in the room I am instantly happy.

I decided I needed a little more color than my inspiration pins, so I went for a punch you in your eyes yellow.  Instant sunshine on our gray walls.

pinterest, knobs, necklaces, pallet, DIY, craft, yellow, jewlery, challenge

Y’all that know me…know I got these knobs on the cheap.  Just waited for Hobby Lobby to have a 50% off sale and I scooped them up.  I picked up the spray paint with a coupon, and the wood we had laying around so the whole project cost under $20.

pinterest, knobs, necklaces, pallet, DIY, craft, yellow, jewlery, challenge

Pretty sweet upgrade from hanging on push pins.

Written by Christina and Tim