
Make Monday Matter...work out

Posted by Christina // 6 Replies

This Monday’s challenge seems especially appropriate after our announcement last week.  By the by, I just have to thank you all again….seriously amazing.  So much support and love. monday-matters-get-some-exercise Did you know that 50% of adults do not get enough physical activity and 24% are not physically active at all.  Not even a little bit.  Not even a stroll across the living room to change the channel on the boob tube.  That results in 66% of people being overweight.  Hello my name is Christina, and I am lumped into that 66% club.

Even worse is how being overweight affects your health.  One in three adults have high blood pressure, hi that’s me again.  Over 100 million people have high cholesterol levels.  These health conditions can lead to strokes and heart disease, which by the way cause deaths every 36 seconds.

I am no doctor, and I am not telling you to go out and run a marathon tonight.  But maybe take a walk, or just take the stairs.  You could even just park really far away when you stop at Target.  Stop saying, “I don’t have time” and make thirty minutes of sweating a priority.  Drink your water, do some stretching, and set a goal.  Now close this window down and get you some….exercise that is.

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Written by Christina and Tim

6 thoughts on “Make Monday Matter…work out

  1. Janelle

    Good for you! What exercise will you be doing? I get a lot of sweating in during soccer season but when it ends (yesterday) I don’t get a whole lot in. Well like hardly at all. So I’m trying! Keep up the great work, chickadee!

    1. Christina Post author

      We did a heckuva hike yesterday….so we are both a little sore from that. Today I am going to shoot for a half hour on the elliptical and a half hour of strength training. If my muscles can handle it that is 😉

      1. Janelle

        ooo-ah ooo-ah tskk tskk ooo-ah ooo-ah(<– that's the hot beat rave music that plays when you're getting sweaty and sexier… like Christina's Hot Bod intro music)

        You go, girl! 🙂


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