
Make Monday Matter...don't speed

Posted by Christina // 5 Replies

I feel like a whole new woman after this weekend.  Totally invigorated and remotivated.  I had a really rough last week putting on my management pants, so this week I talked Tim into some “resale retail therapy”.  We went to our very first estate sale, and have now declared ourselves addicts.

I can’t wait to tell you about all of our treasures.  But first, I want to get this week started on a better foot and Make this Monday Matter.  This challenge will be a tough one for me. drive-the-speed-limit I will hang my head in shame as I admit that I have a lead foot.  It is only because I am perpetually late, which is a whole different story.  At least once a day I curse myself for not leaving earlier.  Tim thinks I thrive on the pressure and chaos, I think I just like my bed a little too much.

Did you know that car accidents are the number one killer of people ages 4-37.  Not to mention those tickets are never cheap.  We are all in a rush, but is it really worth the sacrifice.  Whether it’s a ticket, insurance claim, injury, or worse…is it worth the few minutes you shave off.  Probably not.

Let’s slow down today.  Maybe even use a blinker and wave at people who let you in their lane.  You may even have time to smell the roses.  What a novel idea.

Are you a speedy driver?
Ever gotten out of a ticket?
Anyone else always late?

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Written by Christina and Tim

5 thoughts on “Make Monday Matter…don’t speed

  1. Janelle

    I am always late as well so yeah, I rarely pay attention to speed limits and just drive like everyone else around me. Oops!

    This weekend I swore I was going to show up 30 mins early to my soccer game so I could watch the one before mine; yeah… I showed up right as mine was starting. ha. fail.

    1. Christina Post author

      Haahhaha, that’s what gets Tim in trouble all the time….”but I was going as fast as everyone around me!!!” Apparently that is not a good excuse to get out of a ticket 😉

  2. Simome

    O wow…. I totally missed your new blog design (yes, yes, I’ve been absent a bit) but it is gorgeous! Love it…. As for speeding, yes I do but I like to think I speed responsibly… If there is such a thing…


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