
Artopia: local excitement & a giveaway

Posted by Christina // 16 Replies

I am very proud to be from St. Louis…in case you were wondering.  Which you probably weren’t, but at least now you know.  I think StL is an up and coming city, mark my words after we are done being labeled “the most dangerous city in the US” we will be where all the cool kids live.  Thug life forever.

  One of our favorite hobbies is pretending we are tourists right here in St. Louis and taking in all the sights.  I adore local bands and artists, and try to shop local as often as possible.  St. Louie has been brewing up some fantastic local chefs and restaurants….and even better food trucks.  For all these reasons and many more (ahem, hi family) we do not have the luxury of living on a beach.  It’s worth it though, because the StL has a lot to offer.  Just ask Nelly.  Or Molly Brown.  Or John Goodman.  Anywhoodles.

When I heard about Artopia, my jaw sort of dropped.  You mean to tell me you are showcasing all of our St. Louis talent while I chow down on awesome local eats and pretend I am fashionable?  Count me in.  Count me all the way in and shaking it all about.  Proving I am hopelessly un-hip…how have I not heard of this in the five previous years.  Can I get a do-over?  Feast your eyes on this awesomeness… artopia-st-louis I have counted on the Riverfront Times to keep me cool for quite some time so I am über excited to see they are hosting this event.  You know it will be good.  Nay, nay my friend…it will be great.  Tickets are $30 a piece for General Admission and that gets you three drinks, lots of samples, two fashion shows, and all the local art and music you can handle.  Just watch the video from last year and you will be chomping at the bit.

Want to know the best part?  If you are local (shoot, even if you’re not)….then I want you to come.  I want you to come so bad that I snagged two tickets courtesy of the RFT Streetteam to give to one lucky duck.  Then, once you are down there, come find me and we can take shameless selfies. win-a-ticket-to-artopia All you have to do to enter is leave me a comment below saying you want to go, easy peesy lemon squeezy.  If you aren’t within driving distance to ol’ Missouri, well I’m sorry…and also slightly jealous.

Have you ever been to Artopia?  Are you going this year?
Who is your favorite local artist or musician?
Anyone else craving meat on a stick now?  Can I get a corn dog?

PS….no one is paying me to say nice things.  I geniunely want to go to this amazing local event and when I was offered 2 free tickets I decided I wanted you all to come too.  I will be saving nickles for my tickets and everything you read above is straight from my heart.  Now you know.

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Written by Christina and Tim

16 thoughts on “Artopia: local excitement & a giveaway

  1. CT

    I love me some Cherokee Street — I can’t wait to check out “Junk Junkie”, the new little sister to MoModerne. And art, and drinks. No food on a stick though. I have to melt my popsicles in a bowl to eat them stick-less. Cheers – CT

    1. Christina Post author

      Hahaha, that just made me laugh out lout because Tim is the same way. He has a hyper-active gag reflex (TMI?) and CAN’T STAND popsicles or anything. Hope to see you down there!!!

  2. Niki Bridges

    I would love to go! Went last year and brought to friends and had a ball! This year I want to bring my new boyfriend who just moved here–he’d be a first-timer at this event!


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