
We have a whole new house....sort of

Posted by Christina // 18 Replies

So maybe you haven’t been a “homie” for very long and have never seen our home.  Or maybe you were so enamoured by our backyard BBQ that you missed it.  Or maybe you just don’t notice things like a whole house changing colors.  But it happened.

Our home went from peely, faded yellow…. before painting the house with flagstone to sweet, smoky gray. after painting the house with flagstone It’s sort of funny because looking at the photos above, the before doesn’t look that terrible.  Don’t be fooled though, it was quite terrible.

We really thought long and hard about siding, but decided it is just not in the budget now.  Any “exterior” money we have saved is going towards a roof that we are in dire need of.  So paint we must.

Gray was the obvious choice, since it will soon be my last name.

We spent four weekends cursing the rain for hindering our progress, then spent the next week thanking my dad for all of his hard work painting our house while we were at work.  Someone get that guy an award.  He busted his hump because I had originally said I wanted to have it done by the Fourth.  What a guy.

He was even sweet enough to leave our little birdie friends in their home. the baby birds we found  Now do you see the drastic difference in color?

Apparently our house brings all the birds to the yard, and they are like…I’ll poop on your car. our favorite bird I feel like I should be in our back yard singing so that they can land on my fingers and tweet along, then I can put those birds to work.  Ala Snow White and all her “helpers”.  I have plenty of dishes for them to do, trust.

Have you ever painted a whole house?
Have any bird babies at your house?
Do you have an incredible dad too?

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Written by Christina and Tim

18 thoughts on “We have a whole new house….sort of

  1. eatrunlivehappy

    I love the new color. When we move I’m pretty sure everything is going to turn grey at our new house. It just goes with everything!
    I do have an incredible dad. He knows how to fix anything!

  2. Trisha D.

    Bahaha “I’ll poop on your car” funny!

    Looks amazing, the color is perfect. You have a pretty amazing pops just like me! He’s a keeper.

    Also really digging that red white and blue bird house!

  3. junglefrog

    Nice one Christina! I’m loving the new color grey. Looks very pretty and those baby birdies are too cute. We have little ones in the garden each year and each year it is a worry to make sure the cats don’t eat the baby birds!

  4. Mrs. Practicality

    Wow, it looks great! We will soon have to face the “replace siding or paint” conundrum and I think we will be forced to paint to hold out for a bit until we can replace it all, even though the extension on the back of the house is in a different siding color. Oh well, we’ll get there!

    1. Christina Post author

      Yea, once we started pricing it we just realized there are SOOOO many other things we would rather do to the house. Especially once we found out we could do a quick fix (painting) for a fraction of the cost! We are thrilled with the result….wish you all the best on your decision, it’s a tough one 😉


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