
Friday Favorites....for mom

Posted by Christina // 7 Replies

This Friday I have a lot on my mind, like the fact that Mother’s Day is this weekend and I haven’t even started stringing pom-pom garland and crafting gold leaf floral bouquets.  I’m not a very good blogger, or daughter apparently.

The problem with waiting until the last-minute to start planning your holidays is that you can’t order cute lockets online and procrastination flowers are always on the pricey side.  So craft I must and craft I will.

For those of you that are sinking in the same puddle, one solution I have found is Etsy prints.  A lot of times after you buy them, the seller will just send you the file to print.  Of course, every shop is different but this technique has gotten me out of many a bind.

Here are some of my Mama reppin’ favorites. mothers day etsy prints 1.  One of my favorite books growing up.
2.  Could this be anymore perfect.
3.  Totally adorable.
4.  Ain’t it the truth.
5.  My mama’s favorite quote.
6.  Such a great song, perfect for mothers.
7.  My all-time favorite quote.
8.  So cute for the new mom.

Have you already got all your mother’s day shenanigans planned out?  We luckily have Tim’s mothers present all figured out, thanks to a sweet little hint she gave us at Christmas.  Better late than never right, at least that is what I am telling myself.  If only my mom gave hints.

What are you getting your mom?
For the moms, what are you hoping for?
Is it inappropriate to finger paint your present still?

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Written by Christina and Tim

7 thoughts on “Friday Favorites….for mom

  1. Janelle

    Etsy prints… you are brilliant!

    I am attempting to make my Mom a no-sew non-fancy fabric flower bouquet to replace the crepe paper one I made a kid that she still has sitting out! Right now I’m at the point in the project where it could go either way: look really cute or look half-assed and horrible and I lose my place as favorite child. Please cross your fingers it turns out well!

    I’ll probably also do a homemade card because all the good cards I found were $5 or $6 and my Mom would probably have a cow if I spent that much on a card for her. (She gets hers at the Dollar Store – two for a dollar!)

    Have a wonderful weekend! Hope you come up with somethin good!

    1. Christina Post author

      Awwww fabric flower bouquet sounds dreamy!!! I love sentimental mamas, they are adorable.

      My fingers are crossed for you 🙂 If nothing else you could always get her this mug:

      1. Janelle

        hahaha I should be scared of my brother seeing it and getting upset but since he doesn’t visit my Mom (thus NOT the favorite child!), I have no worries!

        1. Christina Post author

          Hahahaha….my sister and I always joke with our parents about being the favorite so I am dying to get one of those for my parents! My sister would probably bust out the Sharpie and write “love, Leika” at the bottom haha!

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