Monthly Archives: November 2012


Today I decided to take the day off, so of course that meant an all-day Pinfest.

Imagine my surprise when they told me about my secret boards, say what?

So you are telling me I know have more boards to fill?
Holy awesomesauce.

Tim better watch out, now there will be some serious secret birthday party planning going on!  I’m thinking unicorn theme.

Have you all found your secret boards yet?
What do you think?
What will your three boards be?

If you haven’t found them yet, they should be at the bottom of your profile.
You get three so plan accordingly pinaddicts.

Written by Christina and Tim

Happy Friday my friends….

Snag that pretty piece of awesome here.

Here as some things that made me as giddy as our fish at feeding time.


I’m going to be slathering honey on everything just so I can make these trinkets of beautifulness…honey & tuna sandwich anyone?

The best political commentary I have come across yet.

Did you ever think you would see New York out of power?

Pretty sure I found our Christmas cards….time to get the tree up.

Is anyone else going to the YHL book signing in Chicago?  If so, drop me a line because I’d love to bump into ya!


Hope you have a fantastic weekend with lots of bacon breakfasts.

Written by Christina and Tim

Typical right, I lure (pun intended) you in with pretty fish and awesome corals and then I drop a big boring bomb on you.
I promise I will throw in some entertaining videos.

There are a ton of people who shell out big bucks for pet insurance on doggies, kittens, and horses but have you ever heard of someone taking a policy out on their guppy?

Odds are no, most providers won’t pay for your goldfishes triple bypass…but insurance is very important to consider.

Especially if you are having an affair with a married woman, and her best friend knows about it and confronts you…then throws a guitar at your tank and slaughters your fish.  Slide right on into 1:50 if that reference was lost on you.

Poor Channing Tatum, I will console you.

When you have a tank there are two types of insurance to consider:  Insurance for the aquarium and equipment itself, and then insurance that covers damages caused by the aquarium.  You know, like when your pretty hardwood floors get soaked and you have four inches of water in your dining room.  T was never a boy scout, but their motto is his language.

Your aquariums, their contents, and any damage caused by them may or may not be covered by your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance. You need to check your specific policy to find out more but don’t forget to read the small print, because there is always small print.

Many insurance policies have a comprehensive exclusion list and it is not unusual for aquariums to show up on this list. Your insurance company might only pay for damages caused by an aquarium up to a certain amount of gallons, or only cover aquariums that live up to certain standards. It is also quite common for insurance policies not to cover the livestock of the aquarium. Some insurance companies will consider plants and corals inhabitants, while others see them as decor.  I know, we should just tell them to quit being haters but for some reason it is never that easy.

It is also common for insurance companies to have a notification limit. If for instance your policy has a $2,500 notification limit, you have to holler at the insurance company about any possessions that are worth more than that amount. Let’s say your home is burglarized by unicorns and you file a claim for a $3,000 necklace that got stolen, the insurance company may refuse to cover your baubles if you failed to notify them about you keeping such a precious piece of bling in your home. Flash back to the aquarium scene, keep in mind that if you file a claim for the entire aquarium you may hit this $2,500 ceiling even if the tank itself did not cost $2,500 to buy. Trust me, the dollars can keep piling up quite rapidly. You buy a $1,500 tank, treat yourself to some sweet LEDs, you add some nice filters and a heater and soon you’ve reached the notification limit without even realizing it.

 Take a good look around your home, because believe it or not this can be applied to darn near everything.

I remember when I was younger – and slightly paranoid of robbers – I took videos of my parent’s house so that we would have a record of everything we owned.  Now those are the funniest home movies to watch, oh hello orange shag carpet and wallpapered everything!

What crazy things do you all have insured?  I once heard of a South American reporter that had her legs insured for millions.

Written by Christina and Tim

You know I love to tell you all about great new products and sites….well I have a new addiction for you.

It is

It is basically the epitome of Christmas lists.

You know how on Pinterest you pin ideas and cute stuff and you usually end up DIYing your own version.  And you know how you find a cute product that you want to buy but can never find the original source.  Here is your solution, put your internet beakers down little miss social scientist.

Keep is a product-based wish list.  You get to peruse pretty things and have the option to “keep” it and add it to your collections or you can “buy” the item.

Hello window shopping, easier than ever.

I will be using Keep to send my gift list out this year, hint hint Timmy.

You can find my measly beginnings here.

But the real story is that they are doing giveaways….oh hello we-love-free-stuff.  Today you can win this sweet thang.

All you gots to do is create an account, it’s free because I got your back y’all.

Then “keep” the gift of the day to one of your collections.  There are still a few days left with lots of great gifts, but folks please back off the adorable North Face vest because I got dibs mmmkay.

Written by Christina and Tim

I am a political junkie.

I love that I have the right to vote.  I wish more people appreciated that right.
I hope you are going to get out and let your voice be heard.

If you think your vote doesn’t count, look at the smaller picture.

If you live in Missouri we have a HUGE Senate race about to go down and I believe every single vote will count.
Think about Propositions that will most definitely affect you & your neighbors.
The judges that you just may run across one day.
These are the decisions that matter.

Do your research.

There are a lot of tools available to help you make an informed decision.
There are even surveys to find where you fall.

Asti falls for treats.

My New Year’s Resolution was to not discuss politics on social media, and I have done darn well.  If you ask anyone that knows me they will tell you I am overly opinionated when it comes to politics.  But I will always believe that each person is entitled to their own opinion, and should exercise their right to express that opinion.  Even if I hate your opinion….I will still love you.

To avoid being to preachy preachy….I bring you the Election Collection.

Get ready for this nail biter with patriotic cocktails and snacks, you can find millions of recipes on Pinterest or just throw some strawberries and blueberries together and call it a day.

Spice up your wardrobe with handmade bows and feisty Toms to show support for your party.

Even your dog can show some political spirit with this adorable collar.

Really get into the spirit of election night by reusing your Fourth of July decor and adding in some patriotic coasters and Washi tape.

How are you celebrating November 6th?

Written by Christina and Tim

When getting in the hobby the question often comes up, “Should I get a glass or acrylic tank?”

Let me break it down for you….thanks to Christina’s “put a little humore in it” venn diagram or something.

Ultimately, glass tanks are less expensive which is usually a main concern.  The glass aquarium is usually made of plate-glass with a thickness that varies with the capacity of the aquarium.  This style of tank usually comes with a black plastic band around the top and base of the aquarium as well as a center support to prevent bowing.   There are definitely still some cons with a glass tank.

Glass tanks are typically made with metal, and can sometimes have a green tinge to it.  Glass also weighs a LOT more than acrylic.  The larger the glass tank the heavier it gets.  This is why most glass manufacturers don’t make very large tanks.  You can have them custom-built, but I hope you have a lot of friends or a forklift.  Glass tanks are also held together with silicone, so there is always a chance that they can leak over time.

Acrylic tanks are made of a crystal clear, cell-cast material.  They are lightweight, and the quality is unsurpassed both structurally and visually.  The seals are chemically bonded together insuring a lifelong, leak proof seal.  The acrylic aquarium has been known mostly for its use as a “custom” aquarium.  This style of tank is often seen at large zoo aquariums and in custom home installations.  As acrylic is a type of plastic, it is easily molded into any shape imaginable and carries the trademark for its ability to fit into places that glass aquariums can not.  You will always get what you pay for, and acrylic is usually more expensive than glass.

With today’s technology you can get glass tanks that are made with less metal and are more clear view, called “starfire”.  These tanks are more durable and harder to scratch, but if you do scratch a glass tank there is no easy way to get the scratches out.  Acrylic tanks scratch easier but can be buffed out, even with the water still in them.

 If you are looking for a tank that is a standard size, free-standing unit, under 200 gal; glass may be a more cost-effective option for you.  Our tank in our dining room is actually a glass tank and it is a 210 gal.

If you’re wanting a larger or custom size, and great quality, then acrylic is the way to go.  Our next tank is going to be HUGE once I can talk the lady into it, so we will need acrylic.  Maybe a gigantic round stingray tank?

 Keep in mind if you are doing an in-wall aquarium, glass tanks are made with a trim piece around the bottom, acrylic tanks are not.  A flush edge will usually be more convenient to build around.

Both glass and acrylic tanks serve their intended purpose well and it will ultimately depend on your situation and desired installation.  Remember to weigh the pros and cons carefully as your decision will likely be in place for years to come.



Written by Christina and Tim