Tag Archives: start saving


They say as soon as one vacation is over you start planning the next.

Oh wait…”they” don’t say that?
Well, I do.

We love to travel, we love to learn and see pretty places and meet the most interesting people.
Daydreaming of far off places gives us something to look forward to….more adventure I say.

We revealed in this post that we finally accepted that our priorities may not be the same as everyone else’s.  Now that we are ok with that, we have given ourselves permission to dream bigger and take more risks.  We aren’t going to eat raw bacon or anything, that is still too risky.  But traveling has pushed its way to the top of our list.

Before you call Suze Orman, know that our first priority is to get out of debt and save like crazy to be able to run away like gypsies.

But saving is hard….especially when Pier 1 has a sale.

So we put together a list of places we want to go.
Our “Dream Bigger” List

Obviously we can’t do it all unless we win the lottery or have some rich uncle we didn’t know about, but you can bet your tooshie we are buying our lotto tickets and checking family trees.

The point is to make the list so you have a reason not to buy the adorable ceramic owl that is half off.
I mean you know how I feel about lists.

Can I get an amen….and maybe a couple plane tickets.

We are now accepting donations.

Where do you want to go?  India?  Costa Rica?  Brazil or Russia?

Written by Christina and Tim