Tag Archives: say thanks


Can you believe this is our seventh Monday?

Today’s challenge is near and dear to my little pittering heart.

There is nothing I love more than our military.
Except maybe nachos, I do love nachos.

No matter your political beliefs, or how you feel about war…you have to respect people who are willing to lay their lives on the line day in and day out for all the freedoms we take for granted.  I am not tough enough, even though I would love to serve our country, I am just not that brave.

I always try to show support, donate, and send love to our military.
Today I hope you will join me. monday matter I hope today you can take a few minutes out of your day to write a little note of encouragement and appreciation to our American heroes.

Don’t know a soldier personally?
Here is a great resource to help you say thanks.

All this challenge has to cost you is a little time and one stamp….unless you are like me and sending out as many letters as you can write from the heart before your hand cramps.  Holler for soldiers.

Written by Christina and Tim