Tag Archives: reefer


 Remember when we bought a baby shark egg?

Remember when it cloned itself?

 Well, we are happy to report that we have movement.

In the effort of keeping it real I will not let you believe we are little shark whisperers over here.  We bought one…it was a dud.  We bought a second and it still hasn’t moved.  So we did what any desperate wanna-be-shark-parents would do and got another.

We are really lucky to have an outstanding local fish store that stands by their products and let us bring the dud back in.  Holler for good business.

They say the third time is a charm, our fingers are crossed that you all aren’t making that up.  I will say it is like watching a little miracle when we watch it swimming in there.  Now I know how all you expectant mama’s feel at your ultrasounds….kinda…sort of….not at all.

Written by Christina and Tim