Tag Archives: pickup


Have you discovered The Bagster yet?

The coolest thing to happen to DIY since the nail gun.

We had a lot of debris left over from our bathroom demolition, as well as mountains of boxes.  According to Christina, it is not ok to hoard empty boxes.  Even if I am just saving them in case we want to return our 4-year-old tv, I guess she has never heard the term “mint-ish in box”.

If you’ve ever rented a dumpster, you know it can be costly.  With lots of restrictions and even more neighbors sneaking their trash in there.  When we saw The Bagster at that one blue store Christina mentioned seeing a few posts raving about it.  So we picked one up, and the rest is history. THE BAGSTER Buying the bag was only $30 and it gave us the motivation we needed to clean up by awkwardly staring at us from the foyer.  We tore that green bag open and got to work. SETTING UP THE BAGSTER Most of the empty boxes were calling the basement home, so I considered it my leg day while Christina broke down the boxes. BAGSTER TAKES CARE OF BATHROOMS After about an hour we had The Bagster filled to the brim. A VERY FULL BAGSTER You have to make sure that the straps can touch for pickup, so I had my beautiful helper “trash surf” and “smoosh” everything down while I zip-tied the hefty yellow straps together. SMOOSH IT IN THERE Once we were done, I was able to schedule pick up online in less than five minutes which cost a bit over $100.  I also called to make sure we could get pictures of it being hauled away to prove how tough these bags are. THE BAGSTER GOT AWAY The first weekend we planned to Bagster my lady took off work on Monday so she could be home for the photo-op.  Too bad we decided that a garage sale and Bagstering in one day would probably kill us dead.  So instead, she spent the day relaxing (and making wind chimes).

When we finally did get all the trash in the Bagster, I told Christina that I would stay home for photos.  Cue the suspenseful music.

I waited and waited.  Bagster gives you a three day window but they were nice enough to schedule ours for that Monday since we told them we wanted to be home.  I stayed alert, I stayed vigilant.

Ok, in all honesty I was playing Angry Birds when out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.  Away to the window I flew like a flash, tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.  When what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a large green truck with our bag in the rear.

In case you missed that, I missed it.

I didn’t want to face the humiliation, so I grabbed the camera and grabbed that one lonely photo of the truck driving away.  I considered chasing him down the street and asking for a reenactment, I’m kidding I would never.

I think it is safe to assume that since there is no trash in our driveway, that the Bagster is a sturdy sucker.  It is also safe to assume that the drivers are speedy and awesome.

We give the Bagster two thumbs way up.  It was easy, less expensive than a dumpster, and we are officially empty-box free.

Have you ever used a Bagster?
Are you a box hoarder?
Craving Christmas poems now?

Written by Christina and Tim