Tag Archives: keep.com


You know I love to tell you all about great new products and sites….well I have a new addiction for you.

It is Keep.com

It is basically the epitome of Christmas lists.

You know how on Pinterest you pin ideas and cute stuff and you usually end up DIYing your own version.  And you know how you find a cute product that you want to buy but can never find the original source.  Here is your solution, put your internet beakers down little miss social scientist.

Keep is a product-based wish list.  You get to peruse pretty things and have the option to “keep” it and add it to your collections or you can “buy” the item.

Hello window shopping, easier than ever.

I will be using Keep to send my gift list out this year, hint hint Timmy.

You can find my measly beginnings here.

But the real story is that they are doing giveaways….oh hello we-love-free-stuff.  Today you can win this sweet thang.

All you gots to do is create an account, it’s free because I got your back y’all.

Then “keep” the gift of the day to one of your collections.  There are still a few days left with lots of great gifts, but folks please back off the adorable North Face vest because I got dibs mmmkay.

Written by Christina and Tim