Tag Archives: House of Blues


Usually ends up posted all over the internet thanks to all our instant sharing.

I mean, doesn’t the world need to see what I’m eating every meal.  Thought so.

Luckily, this weekend our photos were a little more interesting than usual, thanks to a short little jaunt out to Sin City.  That’s Vegas not Cancun okay.

Ready for the Vegas photo drop?
Sing it with me now….I don’t think you’re ready for this jelly. one 1.  Only got to the airport three hours early.
2.  Think these letters will fit in my suitcase.
3.  We found glasses, we wore glasses.
4.  My mom wanted in on the action.
5.  The Luxor letting the aliens know whats up.
6.  I do love an accordion player.
7.  Having a little drinkity drank.
8.  Everything is pretty in Vegas.
9.  First night out was the Mandalay Bay. tew 1.  My favorite casino…the Venetian.
2.  Just hanging out with gold tigers.
3.  Do you feel like you’re in Rome yet.
4.  Our view from lunch, gorgeous.
5.  Double fisting like a pro.
6.  So did Caesar actually live here?
7.  Future millionaires of America.
8.  Those flamingos were so in love.
9.  Crushed by a bicep. thrice 1.  Again, can I take these home?
2.  Bright lights in the city.
3.  Hey hey you you.
4.  I drank that whole drink too.
5.  The chandy at Cosmopolitan.
6.  Every vacation needs one of these.
7.  Where we laid our heads.
8.  Traveling the world one casino at a time.
9.  Ohhhh yummy little cocktail. four 1.  I thought these were an urban legend.
2.  The largest TV in the world.
3.  Had to visit the classics.
4.  Giddy up on in here cowboys.
5.  Do I need to explain this?
6.  If you didn’t know, we are related.
7.  The whole gang.
8.  The birthday girl and me.
9.  A sweet treat at 2am can’t be beat.

Even though I did not come home a big winner….I feel like some Vegas fun is worthy of an award.  So I am throwing some gold stars at them. grub swim with the fishies so pretty drinks on me hey mama ri ra video anywhere
Of course I couldn’t choose a favorite aquarium…that would be like choosing a favorite child.

Do you have any favorites that I missed?
Do you love live bands and photo shoots?

Written by Christina and Tim