Tag Archives: hatching


The other day we did something a little crazy…..

We went to our local fish store and picked up a couple things.
One of those things, was a shark egg.

I do believe our fascination with getting a shark egg began while we were on our East Coast Road Trip.
We ran across these babies while at the Shedd Aquarium.

 We have been researching ever since.
Now that I re-watch that video, I feel like we should clean our egg up.
Tim will be checking in to give you an “egglet update” and give you all the specs in case you decide you need a little baby shark in your life as well. 
It is a learning experience for us and we have been told that something like one in six don’t ever hatch.  We have been holding light up and looking for some movement, T says the little guy is growing but I have yet to see him.  If you never hear about our shark egg again, you will know things didn’t go so well! 
Say a little prayer that we will soon be proud shark parents….

Written by Christina and Tim