Tag Archives: Fourth of July


Tim and I love to entertain.

I kind of want to make it my job, but I feel like my habit of procrastinating would really be working against me.  For instance, when people showed up to our Fourth of July backyard bash I was in my swimsuit…still cooking and panicked that I had not set up the food table or taken pictures for the blog.  Tisk, tisk.

Then it hit me.  As much as I would love to be the blogger that had her Fourth of July tutorials up two weeks before the holiday, giving you all inspiration and praying for pins….it is just not me.  I tip my hat to you ladies, and inside my guts are jealous.  I unfortunately embrace chaos, and work best under pressure.

 In the midst of yelling at Tim to take as many photos as possible while cutting out watermelon stars, and screaming at everyone not to touch any of the food, I had an epiphany.  I had to stop trying to be something I am not.

I started this blog as a creative outlet for my analytical mind.  I wanted to document our lives together and be inspired to live more beautifully.  I wanted to enjoy life more, and make new friends.

Let me tell you something, telling people not to touch the food until you get “the shot” is not going to make you friends.

Hi my name is Christina, and I fell victim to blog pressure.

Trying to keep up with the newest social medium, joining every creative network, and spending hours criticizing our projects.  That has been life for the last couple weeks.  Tim doesn’t approve, and in that moment of hangry girl madness….I changed my ‘tude.

I decided to kick back.  Enjoy the day, and not guilt myself for taking the next two days off.  Hope you all can understand and please forgive me, I know not what I do.

Are these pictures the greatest Fourth of July party photos ever, nope.
But that’s not what is important….whats important is the fun that was had and the margaritas that were consumed.  Which was a lot.

Without any further rambling, this is a bit of our backyard BBQ. fourth of july bbq our tasty fourth food our backyard bbq for the fourth What did you do for the Fourth?
Have you ever been overcome with pressure to do things you don’t want to?
Ever tried to make Rice Krispie treats blue….yea about that.

Written by Christina and Tim