Tag Archives: decor8


What inspires me....

Posted by Christina // 4 Replies

I have been finding so many amazing photos and quotes lately I decided to put them all in one place.

Ala inspiration. Without sounding like a Christmas cheese ball I will attempt to sum up my munchkin sized inspiration board.

Obviously a lot of it revolved around the deep blue sea and all that inhabits it, unfortunately I couldn’t find a good mermaid photo.  Can someone get on that please.

I love the bright colors, a boost that gives you a kick in the bum.

Tim and I want to get anchor tattoos eventually…he just doesn’t know yet.

Sometimes I feel like I am getting caught in a giant life net, I only wish it was that pretty.  I am trying to remember not to “sink in a shot glass” or be too dramatic.  It is a work in progress that is for sure.

I need some blinged out starfish in my life, where can I buy those?

I want a jellyfish tank so bad I can taste it….yummmm mulberry jelly.

A lonely little seashell braving the beautiful sea, need I say more.

Are you gagging yet?  Ok so I really just think it is all pretty.

What is inspiring you lately?

Written by Christina and Tim