Tag Archives: cephalopod ink


Funny little story about the word two.  Or too, or to.
Or tew.

When T and I started dating we used to bond over our friends incorrect usage of the word to.  We ended up making up our own word that applies to all forms of the word to.  We now use “tew” for everything and my phone even auto-corrects the normal versions of to, too, and two to tew.  Way too many tew’s.  So if you ever get a text or email from me, please don’t think I am totally out of my mind.  My phone just gets me, and all my inside jokes.

Now onto the fun stuff….like my newest obsession. clearly I am in love I don’t need to explain why I am head over eels-pun intended-in love with these beautiful dishes? No, I didn’t think so.  The pottery over at Cephalopod Ink is bright & fun and of course showcase all the lovelies in the sea.

Speaking of lovely sealife….check out these little cuties. designsponge Design Sponge took a little collection of clam shells and made them adorable reminders of seaside days by turning them into candles.  Putting this on my to-do list for sure, I got a sweet little Maine clam shell that needs some jazzing up. housebeautiful Okay, this week is very fishy….but I mean what do you really expect.

The nautical kids room featured in House Beautiful is beyond cute.  The colors they used not your typical nautical style, but I think it is fresh and perfect for chitlins bright personalities.  But white carpet?  Who are we kidding here?

I wish my bunk beds would have been that cool when I was growing up. goinghometoroost You already know we love our animals, but now Bonnie from Going Home to Roost showed me how to kick the love into overdrive with a bunch of custom pet portraits.  I see stuffed puppies in our couches future.

Did you all do anything fun this week?
Tell me about it.

Written by Christina and Tim