Tag Archives: boyfriend


Spread the love....

Posted by Christina // 2 Replies

Yesterday I gave you some ideas for fun surprises you can do for your honey that won’t make him blush of embarrassment.

Well, today I am helping out all you fine folks who aren’t the conductor of the crafty train.  Or maybe you are skipping the train all together.
It is simple.

Step one- buy cute card. show them love for the ladies 1.2

Phew, that was easy.

Now you just give them bedroom eyes and maybe a bowl of ice cream.
Fool-proof Valentines Day.

Now as promised….my favorite “love-ly” fonts. love-ly fonts

As usual, you can find all of these fonts for free at DaFont.com.
You know I love free.

Make sure you check back tomorrow to scope all of our V-Day decorations!

Written by Christina and Tim

A couple weeks ago Lydia emailed me…hi Lydia!

I have an anniversary coming up with my guy, along with Valentine’s Day of course and I wanted some fun and romantic ideas for them.  I have been scouring Pinterest for ideas and surprisingly, nothing is coming up that really catches my eye.     -Thanks, Lydia

Oh Lydia, I am real excited for this question.
Because I love Love…and I love celebrating love.

I am with you on the fact that everything you find online seems to be either “too mushy” or just not quite what you are looking for.

Here is hoping I don’t let you down. we are so easy Boys are never that easy.  Ever.

The key is knowing your guy, knowing his boundaries and what he will like.  If he is a fairly private guy I would not go and decorate his car at work with balloons and shoe polish.  But if he is into that sort of thing let me know where he works and I got you.  Yes, I do make house calls.

I have found that when I go looking online for ideas they try to label guys.
Techy, trendy, outdoorsy, and so on.  But what if he is just your average guy.

I have learned one constant in all of my man-sperience.
They like food.

When I am feeling grateful for my man I will send him a pizza to his work.
It’s the equivalent of sending flowers and you will get lots of kisses.
But sweets work wonders too. sweet treats Say what you will, but I have yet to meet a person that doesn’t “Awwwww” over homemade cookies.  They are imperfect, funny & let the person know you took the time to show them you love them without being uber-cheesy.

Want bonus points?
Make their lunch, throw a funny note in and some homemade puppy chow. yummy Some of the best dates Tim and I have are in our kitchen.  Pour a glass of wine and make some chocolate covered strawberries together.  Then giggle at how awful they turn out.  There is a rule to this…no phones or tvs.

Here is where you may draw the line, but I think this is fun.
Give your guy a little pampering.

I wouldn’t run him a bubble bath or anything but maybe you could balloons and streamers This is easy.  Grab some balloons & streamers (and tape) & make a quick sign.
Mine said, “Get ready to be” on the shower curtain and then when he opened the shower he saw all the festivities and a sign that said, “showered with love”.

It’s not so mushy but kind of a fun surprise.
Unless he is late for work and needs a shower!

One day I really surprised him with some candles in the sink action.
This backfired, he thought it was for me. little things Maybe guys aren’t totally ready for the candles everywhere thing.  But once he realized I was just trying to be sweet he gave me the biggest bear hug.
So it was worth it.

The other way into most guys hearts is through laughter.  I do this by torturing my pup and dressing her up, but a night full of their favorite comedy shows and movies would work too. puppy Again, I think the most important thing is to know your guy.
Leave him lots of sweets notes.

“You’re the best”
“Thanks for keeping my plants alive”
“Can’t wait to come home to you”
“Wanna make out”

When I asked Tim about this question and what I do that he likes or doesn’t like his answer was fantastic.

“I like that you get so excited and try to make everything so special without putting pressure on me, I think most girls mess that up and end up putting a lot of pressure on the guy to make the anniversary or holiday amazing for her instead of making it awesome for him.  When you get excited and he knows that you are trying to make it special for him, he will inevitably want to make it really special for you.  In summary, you being excited makes me excited instead of hearing ‘you better make it good’.  And keep those cookies coming”

I thought that was really insightful of him, and very comforting that I am not scaring him with my excitedness.

I am absolutely positive that he will appreciate anything you do for him.
Especially a scavenger hunt, awww yea.

If you are more of a “I would rather just give him a card” type….then check back tomorrow.  I will also be sharing my favorite V-Day fonts.

One last piece of advice, I would steer clear of stuffed animals in general. thanks mom and dad Unless they are a collector, they usually end up in a closet.

Those big guys were from my mom and pop….they sure love me!

I am in no way an expert of love, relationships, or making holidays perfect….but I really liked Lydia’s gusto in making their anniversary and Valentines special and I like to think that I make holidays fun for Tim.  I hope….which reminds me…I can not wait to share with you guys what I got him for Valentines Day!

Written by Christina and Tim

Stuff his stocking....

Posted by Christina // 4 Replies

I have often been told like to think of myself as an awesome gift giver.

When it comes to stockings, there are tons of “gifts for him” ideas but they never feel right.  Probably because Tim doesn’t need cufflinks, he’s not so much an artsy type, and if he needs anything techy he probably already bought it.  Not to mention how many $20 gifts fit in a stocking….too many.

Here is my version of a perfect boyfriend stocking.
For your average-next-door-kinda guy.

I should note that our stockings could fit a baby elephant, so I have to have enough presents to fill that bad boy to the brim.  He is so spoiled.

Tim…you can avert your eyes now.  Mmmmkay. mmm stuff it stuff his stocking

Almost everything above can be found at your local convenience store.  A favorite new movie, a couple magazines, and fun socks will all put a giant smile on his face.  I love throwing scratchers in a new wallet for an added surprise.

Boys don’t like buying stuff like chapstick…but they love when you buy it for them.  Just steer clear of shimmer and tint okay ladies.  Throw some manly deodorant or toiletries in for a squeaky clean boytoy.

You seriously can not go wrong with gift cards, although sometimes they seem impersonal.  Guys love apps and they love music, but I would rather buy an iTunes gift card than try to stock up his iPod.  What Lady Gaga doesn’t make you bust out the brush-microphone honey?  Speaking of iPod’s…make sure you pick up some techy gloves.  Best investment I have ever made, toasty fingers even when I’m texting.

Favorite candy and mini bottles of booze, better than a clementine amiright?

My favorite thing to put in a stocking is tickets to some sort of event we can go to together.  It’s like I am secretly giving myself a present too.  Since Tim usually thinks he is just getting undies and candy in his stocking he never expects this little gem.  Baseball tickets are the best…go Cards!

What do you put in your man’s stocking?
Tim sure would appreciate more gift ideas!

Written by Christina and Tim

The most common thing we heard before we left on our almost two week road trip was, “oh this will be the ultimate test”.

Of course there were variations like, “pack a big bag of patience” and “please try not to kill each other” and even “whoa nelly you two will be enemies by day three”.

Not very encouraging.

T and I have always traveled well together, but we are talking small weekend trips here kids.  We really started psyching ourselves up for 13 days of being in a two foot radius of one another. To our surprise, it was easy breezy fun.
Disclaimer: we do not have chittlins, I believe that to be extremely important information.

We of course had our moments of frazzled map reading, and insane traffic never made us giggly….but we did a good job of remembering that we were frustrated with the situation and not with each other.

Once we hit the downward slope, aka the drive home…we both got a little grumpy.  But there were never any blowouts, which I think we both fully expected.

All my life I have looked at traveling as very hectic.  Traveling meant arguing at least 32% of the trip, usually in the very beginning.  I’ve been on some trips where people fight the whole time…not fun y’all.

Feeling like we might be onto something….we put together a list for you all. roadtrips with spouse/boyfriend
We hope all of your travels are as happy as ours!

Written by Christina and Tim