Tag Archives: treats unleashed


Yesterday we had a pretty major event at our house.
Only the A-list celebrities were invited and we popped bottles.

Bottles of flea shampoo.  And by A-list celebrities I mean Snoopy, Mr. Ed, Lassie, and Old Yeller.  No one showed up, but that didn’t stop us from celebrating because our old man turned 12 yesterday. howdy happy birthday Yes that hat was impossible to keep on his head…he’s not as into the whole “dress up” thing as like I would like him to be.  I guess I will never understand boys, even if they are of the canine variety.

Tim has raised Tajjie since he was a pup, check out this throwback. whoiscuter I honestly don’t know who’s cuter, the 18-year-old version of my man or the pup.

The short story is that Tim rescued three pitbulls from the back of a truck of a mean, mean man on a cold night.  The long story could bring you to tears so I will spare you, and instead invite you to party with us.  Or at least laugh at the photos while I lust over my younger boytoy.

I stopped in to Treats Unleashed to pick up a couple presents for just such an occassion and decided to make the big one-two super special for Taj.  They did such an incredible job on his cake and let me tell you a little something about customer service, they should teach a class.  I sat there for the entirety of my lunch break deciding on shapes, flavors, colors, and toppings.  Who knew you could have a custom cake, gone are the days of little old raw hides.  Consider me impressed….and a life-time customer.  The pups couldn’t be more thrilled. haveyourcakeandeatittoo Speaking of the pups, they went crazy on this cake.  Taj was so sweet to share with his little sister, not like he had a choice. sweet big brother Please don’t call PETA, we did not let them eat the whole cake.  We actually froze most of it and will give it to them when they don’t bark at the mailman.  The gift that keeps on giving, right?

Have you ever thrown your dog a party?  Been to a doggie wedding?  Please tell me someone else makes their dogs wear silly hats for fun.

Written by Christina and Tim