Tag Archives: shark


I have a little good new, a little bad news, and some down right ugliness.

The good news….we have a new baby shark.  Meet little Taquito. hello-baby-shark-taquito He was born last week and is already eating and doing just swimingly.

The bad news….he doesn’t have a big brother. little-fajita-is-no-longer-with-us Which leads to the ugly….my ugly cry.

Apparently, while I was in Atlanta for Haven, Fajita had an accident.  Tim said he walked downstairs and found him lying on the bottom, with a gash on his head.  This makes me so sad, because I know Tim tried everything to bring him back.  For goodness sake, that shark has been eating out of his hand for almost a year.  I can’t even imagine the sadness he felt and I wish I would have been there for him.

He didn’t want to upset me while I was on vacation, so he kept it all inside.  Then he didn’t want to tell me while we were looking at wedding venues because he knew how sad it would make me.  So about a week after it all went down, I got the news.  Ugly cry ensued.  It may seem silly to you, but we hatched him from an egg.  Watched him grow, and dreamed of building him a shark paradise.  Instead he found a home in our backyard, with the prettiest flowers we have.  Which are now growing beautifully.

Rest in peace little Fajita…we miss you bud.


Written by Christina and Tim

Ever since we got to watch a little egg grow into a little Fajita, we have had a little weak spot.  A weak spot that needs filled with a gaggle of baby sharks.

So when we roll up into our favorite fish store to find the teeniest of teeny sharks our weak spot started pounding and squealing.  Okay, the squeals may have come from yours truly.  I have no excuses, I was excited.

  If you didn’t catch the hint at our newest addition on our Facebook page, we are now giving formal introductions.

Meet our new baby shark, also know as pride and joy.

The smallest I have ever seen.  About the size of a little paperclip, but squirmy.  Tim says his eyes are just beginning to form, and I say he looks translucent.

After letting him “drip” for about an hour, we introduced him to home.
Watch for little Fajita at the end, he looks thrilled.

You know what this means right, our “shark tank” that is in the works just took a turn into “shark habitat”.  Tim has dreams of tanks he can swim in, and I have dreams of baby rays.  This is becoming a sickness, someone send a shrink.

Written by Christina and Tim

Our little shark Fajita has grown like a weed.

Probably because I fix him up a big shrimp cocktail every other night.

Christina always says it looks like I am giving the shrimp a dip in a hot tub, to bad I follow it up with slicing the shrimp in pieces.  Loses the relaxing vibe, eh? a shrimp hot tub for our shark I finally have Fajita eating straight from my hands, which will come in handy once he is over three feet.  I still usually use an extension rod to feed him, since I am quite partial to my fingers.

In fact, at the beginning, he got a little rowdy and took a nip at me.

Please disregard our awesome basement complete with lots of 2×4’s and little boy racecar curtains.

See how our shrimp is hitching a ride on the shark? our shark fajita Bet ya didn’t know he is actually picking his brethren out of Fajita’s gills to get a late night snack.  You little cannibal you.

How long do you think before I lose a finger?
Think a shrimp fajita sounds tasty?
Want to buy some racecar curtains?

Written by Christina and Tim

It’s officially official….
WE ARE SHARK PARENTS baby fajita After a whole lot of waiting our baby shark decided to surprise us this weekend.
We literally bounced off walls.

Don’t ask about the name, it just kind of fit.
Very “apple-esque” don’t cha think.

Fajita is about the size of our hand, he’s teeny tiny.
I wish I could pick him up and snuggle. little bundle of joy How could you not love that face.

Now comes the really hard part.
We have to get him to eat.

We have heard it can take up to two weeks to get them to start munching.  We are already trying, and in our heads he is already picking up that it is food.  But doesn’t everyone think that their little one is ahead of the game.

When you say your prayers tonight, throw in little Fajita.
He’ll thank you later.

We have already decided that if we DO get him eating, then a bigger tank is in order.  Obviously I have already begun planning.

No way can we let this little munchkin go until he is at least four feet. look at those colors He has already made friends with the little shrimp.  If only that shrimp knew that in a couple months Fajita will want him for dinner.

Mama’s so proud.

Follow us on Facebook for more exciting videos and updates.

Written by Christina and Tim

If you’ve been following for a little while, you remember our shark escapades.

If you haven’t, let me break it down.  We decided we aren’t ready for kiddos…but we are totally ready to grow a baby shark in our basement.

For the last two weeks now we have told everyone that any day now there will be a baby shark in our lives.  Seriously, any. day. now.

Well, we are still waiting.

I am not saying I know what you mama’s go through when you are eating spicy Mexican and jogging up hills on your due date, but the anticipation is killing me.

please hurry little shark I did a little digging back to the first post I wrote about this particular shark egg.
We have no idea how old our little bundle of joy was when we brought it home, but we know that we have encouraged a hatching for nine weeks now.

Check out how teeny this little bit was…

 Now this not-so-little-runt is wrapped up in his egg and running out of vacancy.
The difference in size is almost startling…I am so glad we have video.
The poor thing can barely move.
What a difference nine weeks can make eh?
Let’s hope that the cramped quarters persuade Junior to make an appearance very soon.  Till then I will just document his every non-movement. any day now Let’s all say a chant….a chant of encouragement.
Come on little sharky…..hatch away.
Any. Day. Now.

Written by Christina and Tim

A couple months ago we bought a shark egg.

We didn’t have the best luck, but we shared this video with you a couple weeks ago when it was just a wee little lad.

Well he is all grown up now.

Granted, it is not the best video.

But you can see that he is quickly outgrowing his mancave.Which means….baby shark should be making an appearance soon.We have read that shortly before hatching you can find a hole in the egg where the shark has rubbed it’s nose.  No hole yet, but we have our eyes glued to this egg. 

The next part will be the hardest.  It is very difficult to get them to start eating, which we have heard can take up to two weeks.  Obviously this is the time for constant monitoring, I may just quit my job so I can shark-sit.  Oh that’s not okay?  Shoot.  Well, I will be a ball of nerves I am sure. 

And even with all the fish catastrophes we have had after I blog about them, I think baby shark will be an exception. Lots of photo shoots in this guy’s future.

Written by Christina and Tim