Tag Archives: navy


A whole new nook....

Posted by Christina // 17 Replies

So not too long ago, we decided to put some parallel lines in our life.

Since we spiced up our livingroom I have laid on the couch dreaming of more stripes….stripes everywhere.

I finally convinced T that our wall of stripes needed a little sister.

Enter nooky-foyer stage right. before I know what you’re thinking…a whole lot of boring.

You know what fixes boring.

But did you notice who was busy in that foyer? little overachiever What a little overachiever.  Time to bust out my dust rag.

So after a little striping action thanks to my boyfran-man, we were left with a whole new nook.  A not-so-boring nook.

Enter freshity fresh new nook rising from the rafters or something. after I once again have to apologize for Winter…she is doing nothing for my lighting in photos so say hello to shadows and glares.  Oh and those mismatched knobs that are still stealing the show….well they are on their way out too. details

One of my goals for 2013 is to take a photo-styling course.  I promise I will get better at this friends, I promise.  Pinky.

Are you as down with stripes as I am?  I am now thinking our bedroom needs some vertical action.  Stripes are going to be taking over in these parts.

Written by Christina and Tim