Tag Archives: big break


I have been a huge fan of The Farm Chicks for ohhhh many moons now.

So imagine my excitement when Serena – the contributing editor of Country Living Magazine and producer of one of the most celebrated antique shows around – chose me to represent Missouri in her Big Boy Adventure!

Check it out here.

That’s right, I get to show this handsome little fella the very best of Missouri.

By the time he makes it to the midwest he will have already seen twenty of the states, Australia, England, Canada, and France so I will have a lot to live up to.

Where shall I take him?

After I send him off to continue his journey to places like Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany, and all the other states in this great country…his show-me state adventure will be featured on The Farm Chicks blog.  Can we call this my first big break please?

Even if it is not technically “a break” can we all admit how much fun I am going to have with this little man.  Uh-oh….Timbo just got a little jealous!

Written by Christina and Tim