Category Archives: Friday Favorites


My favorite holiday is fast approaching and I can’t wait to celebrate.

Oh and on top of turning another year older, Father’s Day is this weekend too.

We are celebrating by recruiting my papa to help us with a pretty major project.  I can’t wait to tell you all about it, but until then enjoy some fatherly goodness thanks to our friend Mr. Etsy. fathers day art prints

What is your best Father’s Day memory?
Are you planning anything fun for your dad?

Written by Christina and Tim

It is Friday, the first Friday of June.  June.  As in the middle of the year, June.

Who do we talk to about slowing this whole “time” thing down.  Another birthday is creeping up on me, and I haven’t even taken the Spring mantel decorations down.

This summer I promised Tim that we would slow things down, and spend more time at home.  That is pretty easy for us in the summer because we are blessed with a pool.  We finally have it opened and that greenish hue is just a memory now.  In order to celebrate I thought I would show you one of my favorite Etsy shops.

Samantha French captures the essence of summer fun in her oil paintings. samantha french etsy shop If I could I would plaster waterproof versions of those all over our pool walls.  The colors are so crisp and every single painting gets me giddy for cannonballs and mermaid games.

Ok, I need to get my head out of the summer-clouds…it’s still a little chilly yet.
So I will focus my attention on some of the coolest projects I have seen lately. ohhappyday This looks like the perfect project for summer BBQ’s.  It is very difficult to find a cute tablecloth, even harder to find one that won’t blow away with the slightest breeze.  I think Jordan’s DIY striped tablecloth would also make a cute picnic blanket so it is kind of a win-win. design sponge I am dying to make Design Sponge’s string art trellis.  I love that they dyed the string prior to making it for that dash of summer color.  I would feel so fancy with a trellis in my backyard and I am pretty sure it would force me to grow some lovely ivy or even grapes.  That is it, it’s going on the list. design mom Did I mention I am ready for some swim time?  So it is no wonder that Design Mom’s feature on a photographer taking photos of people swimming under crashing waves it caught my eye.  Oh how I long for a beach.  I think photo-projects are so interesting and most of the time I am left thinking, “how on earth did they come up with that idea”.

Are you doing anything fun this weekend?
Are you as excited as us for swim season?
Can you believe it is June, gahhhh.

Written by Christina and Tim

Today is the last day to enter the giveaway!

Just call us bumble bees because it has been a buzzzzy week.  Too much?

I feel like I haven’t even had a chance to breathe this week, let alone get packed and ready for the Maiedae Mixer with Trisha.  Seriously, what am I wearing?  Where is my camera charger?  And how do I get to Rome, GA?

While my head is buzzing with last-minute details, I am taking a couple of moments to decompress and focus on all of my favorite things from this week.

Normally, my favorite Etsy stores are hand drawn quotes or whimsical characters.  This week though, Pastel Fabels quickly caught my eye with one of those sweet and quirky quotes but Jessica’s photography is what really got my heart racing.  I’m not much of a cat person, but her photos have me dreaming of snuggling those fuzzy purr makers. pastel fables Make sure you visit her site to see the quirky diorama photography.  I want one, I need one, oh baby, oh baby.  In other swoon-worthy news. oh happy day I want to be friends with Jordan, simply because she thought of shrinky dinking photos.  I am absolutely jumping on this train and will be “surprising” Tim with little Christinas in the most unexpected places.  All aboard. bower power Does this even need a pithy explanation?  We love fish, so we love this tablescape.  Easy as pie, oh yum hope it’s blueberry. sawdust and embryos This is the star of my world right now.  Beth took a bunch of jars, dyed them, broke them, and turned them into this b-e-a-u-tiful backsplash.  She is pretty much a backsplash boss, but this is just impressive.  So creative, so labor-intensive, so gorgeous.  Excuse me while I wipe up my drool.

What are you drooling over lately?
Anyone else going to the Maiedae Mixer?
Who is making me a blueberry pie?

Written by Christina and Tim

Can I get a Huuuu Haaa Two Times Friday.
Or something like that.

I hope you all are getting a three day weekend, or at least chocolate.

Tim and I are taking a mini road trip and I can’t wait to tell you all about it.  Oh the anticipation.  For know I will just show you some Etsy goodness.

Meet Livy Love Designs, also know as adorable art. livylovedesigns etsy shop prints I have big dreams of symmetrical frames lining a wall, so I live those dreams on the blog.  Obviously.

In other blog news…. lovelyindeed Lovely Indeed shared some of her favorite blog resources.  I like to think I am up on my game, but I honestly had never heard of any of these.  Nowadays, I spend way too much time “learning” and drooling over beautiful design and classes I can’t afford. knack studios I am obsessed with this whole concept.  I saw this book art while peeping in on Knack Studios revamped dresser.  The dresser is pretty and all but those books are show-stopping.  I feel like I can totally pull it off with enough hot glue. centsational girl We have a hard time with our backyard.  We have a pool, so most of the “yard” is actually concrete.  I loved seeing Kate makeover this backyard in just one day.  Now who wants to build us a pergola.  Bueller, Bueller. ohhappyday I love new beginnings, and since Tim works in real estate we get to help a lot of friends buy their first home.  I always get a little too excited about it and now I found the perfect gift to help show them without jumping and squealing.  Jordan sure knows how to make someone’s day.

Have you found anything amazing lately?
Got any trips planned for the weekend?
Ever made monkey bread?  I am craving.

PS….we are having a few technical difficulties with some slimy hackers.  Sorry if we are running a little slow or you are getting errors, we are working out the kinks as we speak you read.

Written by Christina and Tim

It is Friday….that should make you smile.

If that doesn’t make you smile this will. WATER IN MY PAINT It is like quirky cuteness overload.  Deidre’s Etsy shop Water in My Paint is pretty much the funniest animal art I have ever fawned over.  It’s like a little critter line-up and I need those fuzzy faces all over our house.

Which one is your favorite?

Speaking of favorites, here are some gems I found whilst roaming around blogtown. DOS FAMILY We have a million stools hanging around the house.  I love that Dos Family took something normally boring and basic and made it so fun and feisty.  I am all about that map stool, I mean does it get any better?  I am not sure how well it would hold up to our wear & tear, not to mention saltwater splatter. BEAUTIFULMESS I have developed a serious crush on attic bedrooms.  If I could find a way to make some stairs work, this would be on our project list.  I love how open and airy they are, and I also imagine sleeping would be breezy in such a sanctuary.  Janae from Itsy Bitsy House’s attic was featured on A Beautiful Mess and I almost fell out of my chair lusting after all the beautiful details.

Where do you find all these thrift shops with hidden treasures.  All the thrift shops I go to are full of ceramic ducks and plastic tumblers. HOUSE TWEAKING I know, I know, you would have never guessed that this was a laundry nook.  The award for most beautifully hidden washer & dryer goes to Dana from House Tweaking without a doubt.  That girl has mad styling skills. GLUEGUNGIRL Oh how I miss the days of pen pals and hand-lettering.  I hope it makes a comeback once all our thumbs get carpal tunnel from texting.  The Glue Gun girl gives us a tour of the prettiest papers to spice up your mailman’s life.  They are so adorable I want to send myself mail.

Did you find anything great this week?
Love llamas in funky glasses?
Wanting to do a virtual margarita clink on Sunday?

Written by Christina and Tim

Aye party people…oh wait we are grown ups…hello peers.

This week has been one full of ideas and excitement.  You ever have those moments when ideas are popping into your head faster than you can write them down?  Then you start thinking of fundraising ideas and ways to create a time machine.  No, just me?

  I find a constant theme in our lives is not having enough time and money to do everything we want.  Oh you can relate, yea I bet 99.9% of you can relate.  To the other .01% you should move in with us and teach us your ways, I will even call you a “guru” if you like.  Or at least teach a class, or loan out your time machine.

The real problem is that in two weeks all those ideas will be drying up like Jay Leno’s career (not a hater, I want to squeeze that big ol’ chin).  Hence, the writing down.  For now I am ignoring all my list making and soaking in all the inspiration you can find in the blogosphere with our Friday favorites.

I have been really falling hard for water-color paintings lately.  I wish I could make something like this. favorite etsy - lanas art Lana’s Art Gallery is an Etsy shop that is overflowing with color and sweet themes.  That bicycle gets me so ready for Spring to get its butt in gear and warm this town up.  I am beyond ready for lovely blooms and sunshine.  The itchy eyes, not so much. favorite - nation art Ever since I found sweet Beth of Sawdust & Embryos she has impressed the heck outta me with her furniture redesigns.  Now she has really gone and done it, she opened an Etsy shop.  My wallet should run for the hills.  The best part is, even though she is selling these awesome pieces of art she also shows you how to make it yourself.  I think I will skip the sliced fingers and misshapen nation and just put it on my wish list. favorite - scratcher Did you realize Mothers Day is basically right around the corner.  Oh yea, you better get your plan on.  If your mama is anything like my mom all she really wants is a neck rub, which is why this is a perfect gift.  Without all the birthday mambo jambo, you don’t want to confuse her. favorite - seaglass It should come as no surprise that a carousel that tricks you into thinking you are underwater riding on dolphins is basically our dream come true.  Any little girl who has watched Little Mermaid has to be down with this right?  Looks like a trip to Staten Island is in the works…or building a carousel. favorite - tealights While I was cleaning out all of our closets last weekend I came across a huge bag of tealights.  Tim won’t let me throw them out because apparently they are perfect for summer nights outside but I am trying to find a way to pretty the basic-ness up.  We always have tons of cans laying around so I think this needs to happen, immediately.  Maybe I can pump a couple out while I am hosting our very first garage sale tomorrow.

What are your weekend plans?
Have you tried out YHL’s forums yet?
Any garage sale tips for us novices?

Written by Christina and Tim