
His & Her Favorites...March

Posted by Christina // 13 Replies

Somewhere in all of the bathroom madness, we completely forgot to share our favorite things.  Serious slackers reporting for duty.

I don’t want to keep you waiting another second.
Here are a few of my favorite things. hers 1.  I randomly picked up Essies Crocadilly nail polish.  You paint the nail and then use the super fancy magnet in the cap to pull a design out.  It is a little tricky at first because you have to be fast and not smudge your paint job, but once you got it you will have super cute nails.

2.  I am a little late to this party but I finally gave The Big Bang Theory a chance.  I kind of fell in love, which is lucky since there are reruns on 90% of the day.

3.  My girl Roo hosted a cute stuff sale last week, and I finally snagged this adorable mug.  I can’t wait to mix up some mean lavender hot chocolate and kick back my gator boots.

4.  The Host….read it.  No seriously, it is such a great book and the movie comes out this Friday so you better hurry.

5.  While I agree that chevron may be a dying trend, I can’t get over these earrings.  For only nine dollars they are a must-have.

Without further ado…here are the manfriend’s favorites. his 1.  A couple weeks ago we finally bought a new Shop-Vac.  I have been grabbing every cobweb and dust particle I can find.

2.  With the demise of Google Reader, we have downloaded Feedly to keep up with all of our favorite bloggers.  I can’t believe we didn’t make the switch sooner, the interface is much cleaner and incredibly easy to navigate.

3.  Christina’s dad let us borrow this book, I haven’t been able to put it down.  Now I get why she says that Mr. Grisham is her favorite author.

4.  My car has been in the shop for a few days, and in an effort to sell me an “upgrade” the dealer has us driving the 2013 Mercedes E350.  I have to admit, if someone was buying we would be driving.  These cars are a lot of things, but cheap is not one of them.  For now we will just enjoy it on loan.

5.  These chocolate covered health berries were on sale one day, so we bought them.  What a smart move on the stores part, because now we are hooked and paying full price.

6.  I finally convinced Christina to bring a pair of these cups home so that we can cut down on coasters and condensation.  The Tervis Tumblers don’t sweat and have done a swell job keeping our drinks cold.

Have you found anything great this month?

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Written by Christina and Tim

13 thoughts on “His & Her Favorites…March

  1. Janelle

    I tried Feedly and I just can’t get on board yet. The mobile app looks sweet but doesn’t function the way I’d like it to. Not sure what I’m gonna switch to yet. Still mourning the eventual loss of Google Reader!

    I loooove the mug and earrings. If/when chevron goes out, I’ll be sad. I think it’s so fun and happy!

    I’m adding The Racketeer to my to-read list which is 75+ long. So… thanks a lot Tim.

    1. Christina Post author

      I haven’t downloaded Feedly either, I hate that I have to use Firefox because that is not allowed at work and that is where I do all of my daily blog reading! I’m mourning too, we should plan a funeral!!!

      I like the chevron too, I wish it wouldn’t have ended up EVERYWHERE because now it is being taken over by Aztek and Herringbone and Hex and whatnot. What a bummer…but at least the whole “lots of color” seems to be sticking!

      1. Janelle

        I dig the hex/honeycomb but my motto is Pass On Aztek. Meh. Doesn’t rhyme. You get my drift 😉 YES COLOR!!!! Which leads me to your latest post 🙂

        1. Christina Post author

          Hahaha, I am diggin the aztek…but I am pretty picky about the colors and patterns that I like. Can’t just throw stuff together all willy nilly 🙂

  2. theresa a.

    i keep hearing about feedly, glad to hear you guys like it…i was planning to use google reader until its final dying breath but maaaaybe i will make the switch earlier. any comparison to bloglovin’? that’s the other option i’m considering.

    1. Christina Post author

      I have started using bloglovin and so far I really like it. I say get on both for a while and see which one you like better…Tim is swearing by Feedly but I just haven’t made the switch yet. Although the mobile app does look pretty sweet!!!

      1. CT

        I tried out both Bloglovin and Feedly and decided on Bloglovin — mainly because our computers at work are set on Internet Explorer and there’s no way in h.e.double hockey sticks I’m missing out on blog updates all day while I’m at work.

        1. Tim

          I prefer Firefox over IE so Feedly works for me but Bloglovin is a little more user friendly and gives me more details so it’s still a toss up. I will likely use both and just get the same feeds but I am weird like that haha.

  3. Cher

    I just finished Insurgent (book 2 of the Divergent series) and OMG it is awesome. Boys and girlss both will adore. Pick it up immediately! (Fun fact: it’s set in a post-apocalyptic Chicago!)


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