
Just put some parallel lines on it...

Posted by Christina // 14 Replies

We ranted and raved in this post about our new laser level.

Knowing we could have perfectly straight lines kind of blew our minds.  I found myself laying in bed thinking of things that needed straight lines in our house.

The only idea Tim wouldn’t veto was my oh so subtle living room stripes.
Sorry the pictures are terrible, it was a night project.
I don’t have an official “after” picture yet because we are saving it for our “home tour” reveal.

After playing with my iPhone’s panorama function I did capture this beaut.
If you look closely, you can find a little rat dog hiding.
10 points for the first to find her.

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Written by Christina and Tim

14 thoughts on “Just put some parallel lines on it…

  1. Shelly

    I want to stencil my kitchen/dining room wall, I need to come over and take some painting classes from you – LOL!

    1. Christina Post author

      Oh girl! Stenciling a wall is dang hard work!!!! The first time I did it took nine hours (in my apartment). Then when I did our dining room wall I broke it into two days. That’s some back breaking labor, my advice is to call friends 🙂

      I will say though, our stenciled wall is basically my favorite thing in the house…so worth the pain and tears haha

  2. junglefrog

    Haha! I found her in the bottom left corner! It looks awesome! For a minute I thought you had green stripes painted all over the living room… Lol… But it looks beautiful and very nice and straight lines. I’ve got to make sure I get one of those laser levels too!

    1. Christina Post author

      Yayyy…ten points Simone! It’s funny that you mention the green stripes because once we put the frog tape up, I told Tim I thought we should just leave it. He just shook his head 😉

      Our laser level was only like $10-$15 and it has been a real life saver! Talk to you soon.

  3. Sarah

    I spotted the rat!! My siste just did this in the exact same colors a few months ago in her basement! It looks awesome!

    1. Christina Post author

      Awwwwww thanks boo…you just wait till you come over. This house looks totally different 🙂

      And ps…I have been pinning new years stuff like crazy, is it ok if I go all out for our little shindig?

  4. Shelly

    I’ve heard that stenciling is hard, but I think I’m ready for the challenge, lol! I’m just so tired of the wall being blank and I wasn’t extremely fond of what was hanging there previously. My Mother in law keeps offering her help because I also want to repaint our living room…but I don’t think she knows what she is getting herself into, lol! And suggestions on where to get stencil designs from..? I’ve seen them at Michaels but they didn’t have too big of a selection, so I’m thinking about heading out to hobby lobby next.

    1. Christina Post author

      Well, like I said it is totally worth the work! They turn out awesome, and you look at it and think, “dang…I did that” then your pound on your chest and roar (that last part is totally optional).

      Honestly, I would look online. If you just google wall stencils (or even patterened stencils) and look at the images. You are bound to find a design you like and nine times out of ten you will be able to find the shop. The link for where I got mine is below. We are putting up pictures of the house next week so you can see our dining room wall where we stenciled 🙂


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